Music - And Life

in #musiclast year

and the uncertainty of it .... 'it' being our fragile life. This is not about life and death but more about the small things that make up a life... nah, not even that deep.

There has just been a very sudden passing in our family ... unexpected and devastating... two young children bereft of a father they adored. yet, this is still not about that.

So I am removed from the location of the loss but not the ties... my bestest half having flown up to be by her brothers side. I will do the seven hour drive tomorrow to be with her

So, as I do on these sad occasions ... I hold a wake. Unfortunately attended by only one, and a memory of one who I celebrate tonight.

My reveries were interrupted by the following music video.... a ridiculously well known ballad. But I could not help but be absolutely captivated by these young men performing this song. Could they EVER have imagined that they were creating a 20th century Choral Symphony equivalent? I think not ... I think they were just trying to get a record label deal to pursue their love of music.

The Animals - House of the Rising Sun

{sigh} Not sure if this missive is my escaping from a moral (self imposed) duty to say goodbye to a good man, but I will accept whatever it is.

R.I.P my friend , you will be missed.

Sorry for my first blog of the year being so heavy, but is sad times !!!

Thank you for stopping by



Sorry for the loss in your family. My condolences

Thank you @mipiano 🙏

That isn't the best way to start the new year.

I don't believe someone has to act in a defined manner when dealing with a loss. Duties don't exist in that sense. Other than from time to time take a moment to remember the good (and the bad if one wants) about the person that has left us. My experience is that I don't even have to take such a moment. Regularly peeps that have left me, pass by in my mind, like at least two of them just passed by when writing this comment.

Anyway, have a safe drive today.

Wish your wife and you all the best in the coming period.

Thank you my friend ... appreciated. Having not been directly involved in person it is still all surreal.... but one finds out how permanent death is for the people remaining here. For the person who passed.... {shrug}.... who knows?

so true