Music - A Susanna theme

in #music10 months ago

Time for a little bit of Saturday fun .... some music with a theme ... and today it is Susannah who gets the vote... inspired by the following tune I was listening to in my car as I pulled up outside the house.

Susanne the plans they made put an end to you .... okay, tenuous but it is what it is... and I just love this song. The next one is rather obvious but again, a nice tune but watching the video is rather exhausting

From now on we go only downhill .... how the hell does one get to record such piffle as a this following tune... from Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge of all folk...

{meanders off to cut my wrists in some small corner where my wife will not complain about the mess}

Okay, so I am desperately trying to recall another Susannah song, steering clear of the old Leonard Cohen obvious one.. and my brain sort of recalled Neil Young doing a 'Oh Susannah' or something of that ilk...

Man, when you good you're good... {grin} I have the vinyl. Vintage Neil Young.

Have a lekker weekend all and sundry. Thanks for stopping by and the support...stay safe, stay free and love the one you are with !!
