Music, Spirituality and Red Meat...

in #music6 years ago

I wanted to share this experience to see if there's someone who can relate in any way to it, and to hear from other people's experiences about the topics i'm about to expose.

First of all, I'm not a vegan person, or a vegetarian person, though in the last year and some change, i've naturally reduced my consume in meat to the lowest in my 27 years here on earth. But before 2017 If you asked me, I would've answer that I would never stop eating red meat in my life, It was almost the only thing I ate on a daily basis.

I went through some personal difficulties starting the year of 2017 which led me to step away from the social circle I used to be in, and I spent the first half of the year practically alone.
Yes, i did meet some new people but this whole dynamic was very new to me, but in that time alone i got the chance to start meditating, gardening, and taking care of some aspects of my life that my previous lifestyle didn't allow me since I was working so much, usually at night time, playing in bars, partys, private and public gigs as a guitarist in a band.

I don't want to make this very long but i feel i have to give a bit of a background. By july of 2017, i was in a, i would call it, spiritual state, that i had never experienced in my life, and i think that was due to the meditation I had been practicing daily that became a habit after a few months.
By September i would be meditating for about 2 hours daily effortlessly and everything else around me seemed to just fall into place, I managed to sort out my finances, got some better paid gigs, and all of that without even trying so hard, or even half of how I would be doing it before.

By November 2017, I stopped drinking alcohol (And i used to drink a lot on weekends), I wasn't eating red meat at all, and everything seemed to be going up in vibrations.
I noticed that things that before I would've categorized as difficult, seemed easy and doable now, and in music, which is what i do, i discover a whole new spectrum of sensitivity, meaning, intention, i would say i learned to "speak the language" for real and not just to mimic what i had learn while studying it.

Then things changed unexpectedly and all of a sudden.
It was January 2018, and i started having serious trouble with the person I was with in a relationship. And that kind of turned my whole world upside down, and even tho I tried maintaining my meditation routine, my healthy eating habits, all of a sudden it seemed just really hard to do. I wasn't able to keep my eyes closed even for 20 minutes. Then my family started having some issues and i was living in another city by that time, and all that together lead me to start experiencing panic and anxiety attacks, I started suffering from IBS, and I ended back at my family's house, broke up, and with my mental health destroyed by april 2018, not to mention my habits.

So being back at my hometown, I started eating red meat again, until about a month.
And i couldn't believe what happened. It has just been a month, and I can genuinely feel something has changed in me.
I started improvising yesterday on the piano, and the sensitivity to the sounds has increased, and I think the change is gonna be very visible (or audible) in my music. I just started making chord progressions that are in a way more soulful and have more meaning, i don't know how to describe it. I'm not saying that what I was doing before had no meaning, but the new stuff is different. It doesn't come from me thinking logically about harmony, it comes from a pure state of expression, and then of course I use my logical side to finish the ideas but that's something I couldn't do while on a dense food diet.

So that's the end of what i wanted to share, but I would really appreciate to know if some of you have had some experience alike, what are your thoughts on the diet being related to spirituality or to art, etc.
For me they are, and that's how it works in me. I'm sure that for every person there are things that work differently and I would like to know in what ways we are different and in what ways we coincide.

Best Regards.


P.S. This is the track I did with one of the chord progressions that i mentioned above, If you follow me and have heard some of the music I've shared before, you can already noticed some has changed to a more Neo Soul kind of music, which I think it's just a reflection of my current state. And that's what i think art is about.

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