a great choice! they are real legends are real veterans of world music. I am not a big fan on them, but still respect those who were creators of music trends.
As for me, I can say about music purchase when I agreed to buy rather expensive tickets and go to another city (8 hours of road) to the concert. It was hell for me before the concert started. I was angry and mad about everything. Why am I here, when will it be finished etc...
but when I heard this music and voice skills of the singer, I was impressed so much that now it's my favourite one;) and texts...my God, lyrics are so deep, so touching, every song is a story with morality and a life lesson. Just perfect.
he is 60+ now, but he is still perfect.
my best music purchase;)
The video just says "Video not available" and i can't tell how the artist is. You got another link?
thanks for the interest;)
Kipelov is the name of the group and the surname of the front man.