Stuntmen by Single Street Park - A Song About The Battle Between Hearts (Enjoy)!

in #music3 years ago

Right! You guys enjoyed my previous post, I see? The one where I spoke about the historic Andre Stander, cop turned criminal? I'm guessing you also enjoyed the song my husband wrote influenced by the guy's shenanigans?

So - moving on.

Today I am moving on to song number 4 from my husband's newly released album "Beg to Differ" by Single Street park.

This song is called Stuntmen and has more to do with a battle between hearts than it does with history - although it did happen in the past, so there's that,

Anyway, introducing:

Stuntmen by Single Street Park

I just love the solo in this song. It also has a beautiful melody. I also think this song is perfect for my hubby's voice.

By the way, my husband wrote and composed all of the songs. So, not only is he a great guitarist and vocalist, he is an AMAZING song writer too.

For an almost 40-year-old, he looks Rockstar too:

And since the drummer is hiding in the background in this image, I'll share a close-up of him - just incase you were wondering who puts the beat behind the rhythm. Meet Nat:

With Covid doing its rounds here in South Africa....AGAIN, there won't be any live performances anytime soon. But I do hope SSP gets to hit 2022 with a BANG!!