I heard a Song

in #music7 days ago (edited)


I heard a song tonight.
The sound brought back memories of simpler times.
Times spent riding in cars on hot summer days with windows rolled down to feel the warm breeze through your hair.
The radio cranked as loud as it could go while you felt the music in your soul.

The words didn't matter as much as the feel the music gave you, from the drums pounding the beat to the guitar singing. Your head moved of its own accord. With hair whipping around your face, you drove faster as you came alive.

Concerts came back into your mind when you saw the bands live. The heat of the people pressed together, waiting for the band to start. The smell of weed filling the air made you smile, knowing someone was getting ready for a long night of fun as you waited for the darkness to come.

You relaxed while you waited, and stories were told. New memories were made in each moment you were there. A bathroom trip revealed those who did not pace themselves and decided the stairs were a great place to sleep. You knew you had to time everything right because there was no going back once the show started.

The darker the night became, the quieter the mass of people became. Knowing a night they were not going to forget was getting closer.

Soon, the tiny lights on the stage would go black.

Heads were cocked, listening intently. We were waiting silently for the sound of the first string being plucked.

Like a wave, those lucky enough to be in front stood and started clapping and shouting. The wave carried itself back until you could not tell where the sound started and ended.

Light flared, and the music began, beating into your soul forever more.

You quickly drank the rest of your beer and set the cup under your chair so you didn't clutter up your tiny two-by-two dance floor in front of your chair—the last weed smell wafted as the band started their night's first song.

Two to three hours later, you were covered in sweat from dancing. Your chest did not know if your heartbeat, as the drums' rhythms were felt deep in your soul.

As the show started, it ended with the lights going black. You were not ready for it to be over. The sound from the crowd became louder than ever as no one wanted the night to end. A quick change from the band and a flicker of light could be seen as the band returned for the last few songs of the night. Those were the best songs. The ones everyone knew all the words to.

There was no more dancing, but you drank in the sight and sounds of the last part of the night while the last notes played.

With a smile, I will now go back to listening to the new songs that brought back such beautiful memories!

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


Thumbnail Photo by Vishnu R Nair:

All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Gif made by @Snook

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The sound brought back memories of simpler times.

Your post also brought a great image of a head bopping darker haired Snook. Long time no see on the Chain. Hope you're well. How could you not be with a play list like this. 😎

Thank You!! My words made sense then, and that makes me very happy!! it's been a long time.

and isn't the music great!!! I woke up still smiling about it!

I hope you are doing well also!
this is a "I just woke up comment"

Get some coffee in you before any further engagement. 😉

You quickly drank the rest of your beer and set the cup under your chair so you didn't clutter up your tiny two-by-two dance floor in front of your chair—the last weed smell wafted as the band started their night's first song.

!LOLZ I remember some of those nights! Good to see ya out and about sis, and that happy things were floating about the thingamabobber bopping around up there. !PIMP !LUV

I was too!!!
I had to do some talking to the thingamabobber to start but I am so happy I finally wrote something!!!

I never attended any huge outdoor concerts, so I guess I missed out on something. It sounds like an energizing experience.

This is where having a brother 3 years older than me came in handy!!! We were good friends growing up and did a lot together so I got to go to a lot of things other kids my age didn't.

But, yes, they were very fun and I am sorry you never got the chance to go to one but it is never too late!!!!

Some good ol' rock to get you going! I don't think I ever heard of Mammoth but I liked these.

Good to see you writing, Snook.

I had not either. The lead in the band is Eddie Van Halen's son!!! I found it by accident late last night while watching other things and then got hooked on his music. Makes me happy you liked it too!!

It felt wonderful to write something again but scary too as it has been so long!

How are you doing??

I was wondering if he is related to Eddie but was too lazy to look it up.

I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. I don't know if you're following my blog, which I have tried to keep going - successfully. Let's just say it has been a bit of a year, emotionally but right now things are good.

I read your previous posts about your mom and you and hope you are both doing better. You really, really, REALLY need to take care of yourself to be able to care for others. I know you know and it's easier said than done but - I said it anyhow.


I would like to take 2024 and shove it in a deep dark hole......
was that too dramatic?
Nope, no it wasn't! LOLL

I am sorry you are not having a good year either :( I will have to go back and read your blog. I have not had time to do anything other then take care of Mom and hubby and what is left over myself......

Though, my self decided in the last month to send me to the Hospital and also get a tooth removed AND then my back went out...... so yes, my body is now forcing me to take some time for me! Smart body I would say!

I am hoping getting a post out has at least started something in my brain so I can start writing something again.


I think I may have posted out of order and incl. our trip to the Azores - there's a lot to read. The very short version is: My mom passed away suddenly in April and hadn't been that well since before Christmas but okay. Of course, travel home etc. and then a bit of a breast cancer scare (all good though!) which tied with all the delays to see one doctor then another, then this ultra sound then that and then waiting again for results - it wasn't fun. But, not complaining, all seems to be good.

I am hoping getting a post out has at least started something in my brain

Or start it as a draft here on PeadD or in some digital notebook. I have started doing that, jotting down ideas and stuff, very loosely. I am not a journal keeper.

How is your iPad journey going?

I am so sorry to hear about your Mom!!
I took Mom to see her cancer Doctor today, and as much as she drives me insane, I do not like to think about her not driving me up a wall..... I am hoping for a few more years of her around to give me headaches. LOLL

And I am right where you are now with the mammogram........... Mine on Monday.

As I sit and write this, my hands are turning a light shade of blue as our furnace went out about a week ago. we get a new one on Friday. We are going through everything is 25-30 years old and falling apart..... been a long year and not much good happening.

with all that in mind I don't want to wrote depressing things so kind of stopped writing and my brain is trying to not think so makes writing about anything hard.

but we will see. I am just trying to take it day by day.

The iPad is still working last I looked........ which has been a while sad to say.

I keep telling myself "one day" and maybe that day will come!!

The way you described the feeling you get when you go to a concert is brilliant, I could feel the bass in my bones and smell joint smoke wafting in the air... Hmm it's been FAR too long since I went to a concert, I wonder what they are like in this neck of the woods 🤔

The jams were awesome too, the guitarist is talented 😎

That is the son of Eddie Van Halen from the band Van Halen.

and Thanks! it has been so long since I wrote anything. It was scary!


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