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RE: No One Knows | Queens Of The Stone Age | Acoustic Cover

in #music6 years ago

Do what you gotta do man! I am just doing what I can to get my name out there for now so that when I do release my original music I actually have people who want to hear it! I love music with everything in my being.... If this is all I can do for now then thats what I am going to do. Please be patient with me. Original music is coming. And I can't wait! But this is what I can do right now. I hope people will enjoy it!


I will want to hear it when you do! Just don't cover any of my boyfriend's songs, though. Not that it would be easy to do. He can't play them. He had to hire extra-dimensional beings to do the music. His writing hasn't been the same since he fell into that vat of LSD along with a TV set that was tuned into Adult Swim. If you do choose to do so, we will find a way to mutually benefit. Thanks for the response. Take care. Much love! <3 (poof) she's gone!