Hoy día les vengo a interpretar un gran tema,
cantado por grandes cantantes
una canción con la cual me identifico muchísimo por su gran letra y melodía aunque no salgo en cámara porque me cuesta un poco grabe este audio con mucho cariño para ustedes.
Espero la disfruten, y para la próxima les grabo en vivo, prometido...
Today I come to interpret a great song,
sung by great singers
** "MY WAY" **
a song with the quality I identify myself a lot for its great lyrics and melody although I do not go on camera because it costs me a little to record this audio with much affection for you.
I hope you enjoy it, and for the next one I will record you live, promised ...Hello friends of @hiveblog after several months returning again to this great platform, after the Pandemic that we are currently passing to the economy and socially it has not been easy for many and among those many I include myself. However, it has been a time of much reflection, and of personal enjoyment, and I say enjoyment because I was able to sing, record and play my guitar again as I used to do.
Hola amiigos de @hiveblog después de varios meses regreso nuevamente a esta gran plataforma, tras la Pandemia que estamos pasando actualmente economía y socialmente no ha sido fácil para muchos y, entre esos muchos me incluyo. Sin embargo ha sido un tiempo de mucha reflexión, y de desfrute en lo personal, y digo disfrute porque pude volver a cantar, grabar y tocar mi Guitarra como lo solía hacer.