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RE: How to make music sound good. Or try, at least.

in #music7 years ago

You did a very nice job with the poor recording and yes, one can hear the potential for sure ;)

I'm a musician myself but never bothered to pick up the skill of recording, mixing and so on as I was always spoiled with bandmates that were willing and able to do that much better than me and didn't mind bearing with ignorant and badly articulated feedback from me while peeking over their shoulder with a beer in hand.


Haha, that's the best position to be in any social scenario, if you ask me =P

Well, that's a risky position to try and occupy as if the person at the workstation trying to decipher your ignorant input is not already quite fond of you, it would be very easy for them to lose patience with you. Especially when you also tend to have pretty radical suggestions that you struggle to articulate properly on top it all :P

So yeah, good times :D