How To Build Muscle & Breath Support In Singing

in #music7 years ago

Build Your Own Support System

One of the biggest issues singers come across can be resolved so quickly.

So for this you're going to want to do this twice a day for about 15 mins. This will be for about 3 weeks.

Week 4-6 just in the morning and then just every now and again. It'll become second nature/muscle memory by that point.

Clear some space on the floor, lay out a yoga mat if you are that way inclined. You need to lay on your back, knees up like you're doing a sit-up. You're going to breathe in as though you are filling a balloon just below your belly button. Next you're going to hold the breath & keep the muscles exactly where they are.
Finally you're going to slowly breathe out as though you're blowing out of a straw but still keeping those stomach muscles in exactly the same place.

I would suggest starting with 6 seconds in, 6 seconds held, 6 seconds blow out. Then work your way up until you find the number that is uncomfortable but doable.

This builds your breathe control, muscle control and support. When you're singing you will find you take in a deeper, stronger breath from down there and at the end of the verse/long note, you have a reserve of air.

Such a great exercise that has been proven time and time again. Get involved!!


Thanx for the helpful info. :)

Thanks dude! Glad I could help. Is there anything else you feel you'd need help with?

Mostly discipline. :D

Discipline as in consistency in training yourself?

Exactly. And also sometimes the 25th hour of the day. But mostly Discipline. :)