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RE: Post NAMM blog and some news about me.

in #music7 years ago

Hey there! Totally love your mentions of "sonic alchemy". I've been really exploring the intersection of music and alchemy. It's super fascinating how well they work together :) Potent stuff!

How was NAMM? I've always wanted to check it out.. Maybe one day :)


This was my second year of NAMM. When you’re new to it, it can be an overwhelming experience. I enjoyed it this year, as I went prepared and took business cards with me and was networking. I did get to meet a few celebrities and industry folks, which is always fun. AST year’s NAMM show was a mind blowing time. I witnessed a once in a lifetime moment in seeing Stevie Wonder perform an impromptu jam with a local musician. This year was more important to me, in that I got connected to the right people that saw me score a producing deal. I will be talking more about that as it develops. Thanks for commenting and stay tuned for more stuff about the sonic alchemy.