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RE: Vinyl: I put one on the turntable and when the needle dropped... I was stunned 🎶

in #music7 years ago

This was a long post and I must admit to not understanding everything. Thanks so much for all the information. I looked at the post because of nostalgia. I recall my parents treasured vinyls and us children not be allowed to touch them or the record player. It all seened do mysterious to me back then - duch beautiful sounds from “plastic with a metal pin on top”. That how it seemed back then. Now I will check whether any old vinyls survived the passage of time and my family.
Thanks also for introducing me to Naaz. I live in the Netherlands but do not know her. I just listened to “ Up to Something and As fun”- will listen to the rest later.


Feel free to ask about the things you don't understand! I will do my best to explain them to you till you understand them. Maybe I can even answer them in Dutch if you would prefer that?

Your parents do sound like me, I treasure my precious vinyl like it's my little baby same goes by my audio equipment. I hope some of the vinyl survived the passage of time (including the turntable)!

Great to hear I brought Naaz to your attention. Did you like her songs?