I bought a $100 viola two weeks ago. I plan to perform in a quartet before my next birthday!

in #music5 years ago

I have never played any classical instrument to any significant level. I grew up with the guitar and that was enough to get me by, and over the years i've been slowly expanding, purely on a curious level, to piano, clarinet, drums, and others.

Now, I decided to tackle the viola.

Why not the violin? Why not the cello? Precisely because they are so popular. Everyone plays the violin and everyone appreciates the cello. If you have a shitty pop song you want people to think is good, slap a cello in the mix and you're sorted.

Where's viola? Hiding behind the jokes.

For those who don't know, the viola is the middle-sized string instrument. Bigger than a violin and has a range of about half an octave lower. Smaller than a cello, playing an octave higher. In short, the viola is designed to play the middle harmonies, the stuff that doesn't lead, and doesn't support, but fills.

It's a filler instrument.

However, in my mind, it's just a violin but bigger, which is more suitable for my clumsy fat hands. The void that it fills is hardly unimportant. Removing, say, the third of chord removes our understanding of what makes a chord major or minor (happy or sad), and this is often a middle note. It's just that in a stack of notes making a chord, your ears don't typically focus and notice these harmonies.

I like to think this is a perfect instrument for my personality. Somebody who is at least a valid human being, but not one that likes to stand out much and be appreciated.

It was actually harder than I expected just to buy it. When searching on Taobao (the Chinese amazon), the results kept coming up with just violins, which was annoying. I modified the search though and got myself one in the end which didn't even come with any shoulder rest or training books or anything. More annoying.

But that's ok. I have the internet.

I figured since I have a musical background and i can already play a stringed instrument pretty well (guitar), my ears and fingers should be pretty well-prepped for this instrument giving me a pretty big advantage over true beginners.

Turns out I was right, I think. Here's a video of me trying it out on the day it arrived. Warning, it ain't pretty:

It turns out you can 'tighten' the bow, which in this video I was unaware of. So I was annoyed at how loose and dangly the hair of the bow was, thinking it was just a cheap, broken piece of garbage. I was soon corrected and things improved.

I find getting a melody out is pretty easy. I am already trained to hear the right pitch and its not much effort to get the finger to follow suit (obviously SOME effort otherwise I'd already be a master). The first obstacle I came across was how to actually hold the bow, but I think this can be overcome fairly quickly.

Here's a video after 4 days:

And here's after 11 days:

Here I'm told the bow is TOO TIGHT and I've had some great advice given to me across various sources including reddit.

The latest video is after 14 days:

I hit a frustrating roadblock called vibrato, which is apparently physically impossible, but I'm told this is something that takes years, so I guess I can relax and just practice my scales and positions and posture and such.

The plan is by next June, I will be able to play in a quartet at the school I work at with the cellist math teacher, the violinist president and maybe another student violinist. Since I'm the least important, it fits well with my beginner position, and I can probably get away with something fairly simple, so it shouldn't be too much pressure. As long as I can get this cursed vibrato down...


Viola is actually what two Spanish violins say when they greet each other :o)

Keep up the good work

Posted using Partiko Android



Smiles, very entertaining in a way 🙂. Keep learning. I really enjoyed all the videos. Nice try @mobbs.

Thanks! No worries I'll be keeping the updates coming ^__^

28 days later...

28 days later... I'lll be a veritable paganini

Mobbs I love this because you have perfect pitch (or near enough) and so I can imagine how difficult this must be. Also, the first 15 seconds of the day 14 video were pure gold.

Haha, well there are no frets so I gotta figure my way around like that until muscle memory kicks in. I've certainly got relative pitch, and maybe perfect pitch that was never trained or utilized? Not sure. Maybe I should find out one day.

Glad you got some entertainment out of it!

Lol, poor kitty :(

He's always interrupting my performance, it's like he's trying to tell me something...

I like how you described your personality @moobs

Somebody who is at least a valid human being, but not one that likes to stand out much and be appreciated.

I agree with you about the cello being a good solution for mediocre songs. Also, good to know the viola is a filler instrument. I never knew that!

It's nice to see you posting again :)

Well the 'filler' thing is just playing on the stereotypes, its kind of a musician joke that the viola is the 'loser' or something, but I think its totally cool!

Thanks for dropping by again, I'm hoping I have the time to be more consistent now =)

Hi mobbs! I play viola not because it's easy than violin or cello, not because it's easier to have work (I can play violin also) not for the size of my hands, I play viola because I love viola, I love the sound, the repertoire... I hope after some time playing you will learn how to love and really embrace viola and your ideas about it will change ;-)

Welcome to the marvelous world of viola!

Haha that's a great attitude! I don't actually feel the way I'm saying, I'm just playing on the stereotypes. So far I'm thoroughly enjoying it, and it's a lot less whiny than the violin ^__^

Thanks for stopping by! I'll be dropping more updates over the weeks

Haha! There ara lots of viola stereotypes and jokes!

This made me happier than any video I have seen all week. I think you're fabulous! I'm going to check out your other videos now. May I recommend using the tags #sonicgroove and #creativecoin and #palnet ? Also #tunes .. This will get MANY MANY more eyes on your posts. Not that you need it! But just wanted to say! And also there is a contest at @sonicgroovelive .. please check it out! First prize is huge. ;) I'm a scout, btw and this is me scouting you. I say because I excel at pointing out the obvious. Anyway.. the obvious here is that you're fabulous.


I'm going to send you some cake. Just watch.

Also, I forgot to say.. here's the SGL discord, come chit chat with us!

Joining =)

Haha thanks for the cake! I don't do much musical stuff here, though it is my primary job so maybe I should. I'll try to remember these tags next time - I always struggle to use all 5 when I do things like this. Thanks!


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Told ya I'd send cake. Enjoy! ♥ - serena
Manually curated by @paintingangels.

@helpie is a Community Witness.
For more information about our project,
please visit this month’s UPDATE post.

Okay it is a cupcake.. but.. I refer you to the word cake at the end. The cake is not a lie.