New Music Discovery from Bosnia

in #music5 months ago

I always love it when I accidentally find something new that I end up loving. Things like a movie I had never heard of, or a book, or in this case: a band/music.
Then again, it probably wasn't an accident but exactly what I needed right in that moment.
So here we go, I'll let you in on this great secret haha.

Source:, edited in Lunapic


What are the Chances?

Out of the blue, I decided to have a look which bands were going to be playing within the next few months in Mexico City. From here, we have to fly there, but sometimes we can get lucky and have really cheap flights, like for 200 pesos or so ($12.00). Accommodation then becomes the most expensive factor, but for two nights, I actually found an insanely cheap offer from someone who just posted their first listing on a booking site. 54 pesos including tax...That's not even $3.00!
And not in the outskirts either, but in one of the most popular areas!
Now, I do have to add that we won't be going to Mexico city any time soon, but it's nice to see that it could be possible in the near future.

So as I was going through all the bands, some I knew, some I didn't, I came across one band from Bosnia. The place where they're playing only holds around 600 people, so that would have been an absolute blast! Now, I'm hoping they'll come back...
I had never heard of the name before, so I decided to check them out on YouTube, and I was sold from the very first tune!

So let's see what this band is all about!


Dubioza kolektiv from Bosnia

I had never, ever heard of this band, nor would I have ever heard of them probably, if I didn't get this strange idea in my head to look for upcoming concerts. My eldest son just turned 15, and he likes similar music as me, so in the back of my mind, I had this idea to maybe go to a concert in the new year or so, with him alone. My eldest daughter and I used to go to festivals and concerts all the time, and those were the best of times for us. I hope to share some of those moments with him sometime too.

The band Dubioza kolektiv has 400k followers on YouTube, so I guess some people knew them!

Their music has some rock elements, quite a bit of ska, and some Balkan twist mixed into it.
All in all, it's just happy party music, and I like it. Maybe @bil.prag knows them, since he's from 'the area' haha. Either way, I LOVE them.

Please check out this video, skip to 2 minutes.

And here's another one. An official video, but I really like their live performances.

Source: Videos Courtesy of Dubioza Kolektiv's Own YouTube channel

Anyway, I love that I found these guys. Now, whenever I don't feel the best, I can put them on and get back to jump around and feel happy haha. Thanks guys!

Please let me know what you think!

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two bands from Bosnia and Herzegovina i love listening and are great live are Zoster and Dubioza Kolektiv

I think Dubioza is doing one album in "our language" and one in English. So that is a plus as more people can understand them (both bends have some interesting lyrics)

One song that you can't find on youtube if you don't know the name

oh it is so bad you can't even share it :)

they also have some fun music videos, but there are some balkan things in them that will be missed by others.

Elon Musk also stole the robot idea from them, as they made them 4 years ago :D

it's just happy party music

it is a happy party music with lyrics that are mostly not that happy, but they sing them like they don't give a fuck 😂

it is a happy party music with lyrics that are mostly not that happy, but they sing them like they don't give a fuck 😂

Yes! I love that about them. The lyrics are very serious, but it's brought in a happy way. But it shows that they're deeper than one might think at first. I've been singing and dancing with them for the last few days now haha. I love it. And I might learn a new language along the way, who knows?