Yeah I remember growing up my uncle was a huge Roxy Music / Bryan Ferry fan. I remember those album covers..... ;-)
And the music of course. I've started to listening to them more and more in the last couple of years, and really appreciating that early stuff. I still quite like Avalon, I think it's that easy-listening vibe which I like.
I'm going to go so far as to say they are the grandfathers of New Wave.... what do you think? They were certainly doing it a good decade before everyone else caught up.
Some of the New Wave / No Romantics theme was a kind of overspill from the Glam rock period I suppose, in terms of looks but not music.
The easy listening stuff, I wasn't too bothered about. I'm too much into my guitars I guess.
The guitar in Avalon is sublime ;-)
But yes I know what you mean....