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RE: Music theory, do we need it?

in #music7 years ago

@steevc Great post. It's true, most people play what feels and sounds good. You can analyze it and describe it with theory later. I learned theory in bits and pieces over the years, and it was a lot of work to learn the little I know :-) If you check out Robert Conti, and incredibe jazz guitarist, writer, performer, teacher ...he says no scales no modes. I have several of his books, and his approach is completely old school. Watch, learn, copy, etc, then make it your own. Don't let lack of theory stop you from playing. Now, I have another hero, Scott henderson, who is the opposite. he says you should know every note on the fretboard: ie the 3rd of G is B, the 4th of Bb is Eb etc. I always say to try to put your heart and soul into every note, no matter if you know theory or not.


I hear some players talk and they obviously have all this stuff in their heads. I wonder if I have the time to learn that much. Some lessons talk about scales and modes without showing how it works in a musical context. That's what really matters.