Last Call To Be in Our Music Video (1 Week Left For Photo & Video Entries)

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Be in Our Music Video for the Song

"Stop Killing Our Friends"

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@DavidFar and I have been working really hard recording/producing music and shooting scenes for the video. We are almost at the stage of completion.

If you would like your message of Peace, or any message you have to say to our so-called 'governments' you have one week left to send it to me. So far we have one video submission by the very talented @einarkuusk, and about 10 photos. We would like a few more that's for sure! I hope you will contribute before we release this song on the STEEM Blockchain.

If you want to send a 10 - 30 second video clip, comment here and I will send you the mp3 of the song to where you want me to send it.

If you have a photo you can send it to me in the comments here, email me at, or write me on discord or steem chat.

Here Are The Photos We Have So Far...

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A huge thanks to everyone who has decided to be a part of this beautiful STEEM collaboration! I love you!

Listen to the solo acoustic version of the song, with lyrics and translations in 6 languages by clicking this green text right HERE!

There are 2 pages

This is so awesome Lyndsay.
Believe it or nor I still don't have a marker in the house so I did this....


Hope you can use it, no worries if not. 👊😎

Thank you!! Yes, we absolutely will use this, Love you my Friend!!!

Thank you Lyndsay, I hope more people would like to send photos and videos, everyone feel free to take some videos it's not the matter even if its 5 seconds, just use your phones if you don't have a pro camera. :)

Thank you @davidfar! Everyone, listen to David :) :) :) !!!! <3 <3 <3

Oh I do. I absolutely love his music and his style.

I agreed with you @davidfar, its nice stuff and video


Just terrific!! Thank you so very much my Friend!

You're welcome,, @lindsaybowes share mp3 and chord guitar stop killing our friends

I will, but I can't publicly because the mastered version of the song is a secret! AHHAA Send me your email, or another place I can send you privately the mp3.

Here is my submission:

WOW!!! This is very impressive @naima94!!!! Thank you so so so so much for this beautiful contribution!!!

You are most welcom. It is more of an honor for me to participate in this... ☺


from indonesia to the world

Por favor dejen de matar a nuestros amigos.



from indonesia to world peace.


I like your post @lyndsaybowes...This Post very interest and useful... You are a great steemian and love of peace.




May there be peace! <3

Omg I love it and I LOVE you guys so much!!!!! Thank you!!!!!! Happy tears!!!!!! xoxoxoxooxox

Less violence and more compassion for humanity.

This needs to happen everywhere. Globally, we are all guilty.

We are all human, yet we are our own worst enemies. Seems pretty silly, yes?

Great music, great cause, keep it up!

It does seem silly, that we have forgotten we are all brothers and sisters...

Hope this works @lyndsaybowes - never tried before! Glad you are well again :)


BEAUTIFUL!! I LOVE IT!!! Thank you so very much for this contribution @ricia! xo

Lyndsey ,this really had me all emotional. Ofcourse I would be a part of this crusade. THEY SHOULD STOP KILLING OUR FRIENDS.
Thank you for sharing.

Wonderful Edith, thank you, I really look forward to seeing your sign, or whatever you send! Much love my compassionate, warrior Sister!!

I was going to submit the old one with the sign ~
but I was hoping to get something new done up for this project specifically. ~

Any time left if I work really really hard this evening?
Kiddos are away for the night so I finally have some time.

Absolutely! Send it to me in the AM!!


Omg it's gorgeous!!!! Goosebumps,I love you so much!!!!!

thankies you're too sweet ~ sort of messed up the colors IMG_20180209_0005.jpg Here's the original.


Thank you hun, but I'm having anxiety showing my face TBH.

So I'm going to use venonomous as inspiration to go design something so I don't keep removing my photos.

Omg you are so beautiful!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo Thank you a million!!!!

hey Lindsey! Sorry I was in a little bit late getting you this picture but a sign that I spent a lot of time on got destroyed before I found a place I wanted to shoot from. Everything looked great on the poster board that I had made up but I pieced white paper together with clear tape to cover the whole poster board, the marker is a wrote fine on the tape but with it raining today where I'm at the first board became destroyed as soon as the rain touched it. I'm sorry this is the only one I could make in a decent amount of time in an impromptu situation. I know it's getting down to crunch time so I hope you can use this picture, if not I understand. My first poster looked so much better! :-(


Thank you so much @bonkite!!! This is AWESOME!! Sorry your first one got ruined, this is epic though, and you included your beautiful mug too! xoxo :) Much Love, I appreciate this a tonne!

Aww now you're getting me all bothered - But in a really good way haha (& We both know who has beautiful mug here... in the words of CCR / Fortunate Son... It ain't me!)! Next time I'll know better than to use marker on top of tape in the rain. But I'm glad this one works for you and you like it, that's all that matters to me! I've literally been thinking about it all week and every time I went to go do it, something would come up, so I spent 4 hours last night between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. working on these two banners because I was actually going to use them both in the picture, but it's all good, as long as you're happy I'm happy babe :-)!
It was kismet that I made two because if I only made one and the rain destroyed that one, that would have ruined everything! Then I wouldn't have any picture at all... I'd have to just submit a picture of me and hope you accept it :-). But I'm really glad you liked it love, anything I can do to please you, I am all yours :)! Wait until you see what I can really do when I get my laptop back I can't wait to start animating again it's driving me crazy!

Wooohooo I really cannot wait to see what you create next! <3 <3 <3 Perhaps I can employ you one day for a future music video <3 <3 A "Steem Gig" !!! :)

HECK YES!! I'd totally be down! I've been dabbling in representing, editing, producing local artists, I'm sure you'll see some of the work as I get them into steemit, but I love being involved with musicians and music! It's seriously a pretty big passion of mine and I hope my future holds plenty of time to enjoy the Beautiful music of the world! I will let you know as soon as I get it back because we need to totally hook-up <3!!

Great, I'm stoked!

Eeek I missed this Is there still time to submit something?

Yes, you have until February the 8th!

That's so strong, you are doing a great work and your contribution is appreciated :) By the way, your voice is so beautiful!


Thank you so much my Angel friend @scorpii! Wow, is it EVER good to see you here!!!!!!! I'm having a big happy dance!!! xoxoxo

Can I join in on that dance? :D You're quite welcome, my dear friend. ♥♥♥ & thank you. ♥♥♥ XOxo

Wael!!!!!!!!! IS ON STEEEEMIT! Throws confetti and does a happy dance
Edit: I didin't read your comment Lynds untill after I posted LOL

Dance party celebration!!!!

Hey, dear!! We seem to be having a party for me? :D :D Dancing. ♥♥♥
Much love, @x0xkasumix0x!

Nice platform you have put together @lyndsaybowes hope you get more photos/videos you need, i would love to join this contest but unfortunately i don't have a phone but cu doss to you dear
the steem community appreciates your effort.

Indeed this is called HUMANITY. You have been doing great job regarding this WAR. Your efforts in this regards are so touching that sometimes while reading your concerns on this issue I get emotional and believe me since I joined steemit I'm following you and can feel your pain for your friend (Of course they are mine too). I will leave my entry soon video / pictures soon, since I'm out of city and busy with an assignment. All the best and keep sharing your love for humanity @lyndsaybowes

Wow, I am so grateful to you that you will be sending me some footage or a photo to use in this music video. Thank you also for your kind words, and for your huge Heart! xoxo I'm proud to call you Brother. gonna send you mine very soon. Thanks

Lindsay I would like to help out, do you just need pictures or anything special or in particular? I love the way you sing the song, it has a hint of desperation reaching out to humanity to stop and change what they're doing. I remember back when I was imploring people against the wars to the point where I would talk about it with everyone, I was basically begging and pleading with people to take my point because ultimately if you felt any other way you are for the advocacy of man killing another man and I hated how people would justify War for this or that reason. It's sad. Let me know if I can help :-), I would love to!

It is up to you, whatever you would like us to put into the video! You can email me and we could chat some about your ideas...I definitely trust your creativity!! Thank you for this amazing offer...of course I would be honoured if you helped us!

I'll definitely send you a message here soon with my pictures! My laptop is currently being worked on so can't do any of my animations for a couple weeks but I love what you are doing already with these pictures and I can definitely do that while my laptop is being worked on. If it's going to be a couple weeks before the video is done or going to be worked on I can do some animation then, but I really like the direction you're already taking that's why I wanted to be a part of it :-). But just let me know if it's going to be a little while before the video will be completed, maybe I can do some extra animation work once I get my laptop back! I really love this direction though :-), you are such a sweet person and fighting the good fight I used to call it! Thank you for reading my posts every day by the way, I really appreciate at least somebody paying attention! You are so great and have made my time here on steemit so much better! It's hard to get people to read even the things you think are important, there is a big learning curve here but I still love everything about this community :-), thank you for welcoming me with open arms!

That's awesome, I really look forward to getting a photo from you. The video will be ready around Feb 10th, so probably not time to get your animations, but the great thing is, we have a lot more songs to publish, this is just the first of many, and all of what I write is ARTivism <3 <3 So hopefully we can work together one day in the future, with you doing your forte!

I have to thank @fulltimegeek for introducing us, I always pay close attention to who he welcomes to Steemit, he has a penchant for finding the greatest folks!! <3 <3 Like YOU!!

Heck yes I have to thank him as well! It's weird, months before I ever joined steemit I came across @fulltimegeek just doing random research on cryptos, he must have his eye out in the right places because it didn't take him long to find me at all! I'm so glad I found you, I never would have imagined that so early on I could meet somebody so awesome and impactful on my experience! Not only is this such a fun place to contribute, but I love hooing up with other people who have great ideas and great movements to be a part of to help out wherever I can. I always feel so lame to just have these abilities and never use them and if my art can be appreciated by anyone I'll do it for as long as it takes even if I make nothing just because I enjoy contributing to the world. I can tell that you do too and I love being a part of what you are part of just because I can feel your heart and energy in this! The world needs more people like you Lindsay and I'm not just saying that, I'm thankful for having such an impactful friend making a difference every day, it's been so long, you don't even know :-). You have an amazing soul! <3 <3 :)

Thank you so much for this meaningful comment, damn, the world needs more like YOU too, thank you for using your abilities to help awaken others and shift this world to one of awareness and compassion. Big Love Bonkite!!!

I hope more and more peoples'll send you images and i'll also try to send you a pic of my

this is a photo of my struggle with my friends, hopefully can be received.








Okay, great! Thank you for your contribution!

together, hopefully we can continue to share.
greetings me from Aceh.

together, hopefully we can continue to share.
greetings me from Aceh.

This is so beautiful. I love it.
I love this idea and I can't wait to see and hear your song.
Stop Killing. Start Loving and making Peace.

I gotta get crackin! Will work on this today. If you have any specific ideas for me just send me a message <3<3<3

Any picture is as it is
Or in a particular subject.
For the video of your filming can be photographed by your phone or necessary to be of high quality

Quality is not important. Send me a picture or a video, it's up to you! <3

WOW, amazing messages. Very strong. Im going to work on one as soon as possible. Thank you for doing what you do! <3 xx

Awesome to hear, thank you so much for wanting to be a part of this @foxyspirit :) xo

The photos are very impressive. I can say that you're doing very good thing. Peace will come and we defeat war!

I want to part of this music video and want to send you my video. If you like you can give a chance. thanks

Yes, please send me it!

Where should i send the video? Email address please.

I CANNOT WAIT to see how this turns out.

You guys are a force of nature - a tidal wave of peace!!!

Thank you for always supporting us Winston <3 <3 Hugs!!

1st one is the best one!!
its too good!!

you are doing great work for the innocent people,, your contribution will definitely give you a reward for this act of kindness, These people which face serious non human acts will wait for your kind human. I think one day, they all will be free of this cruelty

Ooohhh I love the submitted pictures so far!! I will do ours this weekend, I am a hot mess this week as usual.....will email it to you <3

Awesome Sis!! I can't wait, <3 <3 I'll remind you on the 8th if you haven't sent it yet <3

Just going to hop in here 🐇 can't remember where i replied about my submission! I will do mine too! And, will be part of my introduceyourself post! Finally. Going. To. Do. It. Ahh 💙

Such awesome AWESOME awesome submissions for an awesome cause!!!! 🙏

Great @yogajill!!! Yesss!!!

That's a nice picture of you with that sign.

This is the duty of everyone, and every individual of this nation is required to carry out this responsibility according to his ability, and the good in this nation is many, but we need more blessed efforts that preserve the nation's survival and prevent the disruption of its structure, And shake its corners.
In our religion, it is said of those who saw you as a denier, let him change it with his hand. If he could not, then he would not be able to beat him.
You are truly the day I raise the hat to greet you. Humanity and peace are very valuable. I wish peace to the world. Thank you very much dear sister @lyndsaybowes for this valuable initiative.
I hope you will always be with me

Semoga kedepannya kita bisa terus menunjukkan existensi kita dalam peduli sesama,wujudkan perdamaian di setiap individu.
Sangat bermanfaat @lyndsaybowes

Thank you so much for writing me such a meaningful comment @walid.larbi :) xoxo Thank you for creating peace.

Really appreciate the reminder to get my stuff to you. I am so excited for you and the completion of this beautiful project. #legacy #freedom #love

Yesss!! Please send <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 You got til February 8th, I know you're busy moving right now :) :)

I've been meaning to do this. I think i feel inspiration for a painting coming on.... 😁

Perfect @khackett! I cannot wait to see this :) :) :) :) Beaming heart smiles!!!

Here's my contribution for you. Your song is so inspiring, I worked on this all week. I hope you like it. Love and light to you @lyndsaybowes. 💗💗

yes! sorry i dropped off, been a bit under the weather, but want to contribute <3 i'll get you at least a photo soon!

Great, thanks so much for contributing, I can't wait to see, and I hope you feel better soon <3 <3 <3

Quite nice to see musicians on steemit. The idea of the song is very good because more and more people need to realise how the government is fucking things up for us and art is a wonderful way to do so.

Thank you @adityabhat :) And there are many, many amazing musicians on Steemit, you can find them by going to this tag >>> #openmic

Do you play music, or do other arts?

Well My great friend, thank you so much for reminding me that i have to contribute in this great cause. I am going to send you my message till Sunday on given email address or may be here in comments.

Love your efforts, love your thoughts.

I am a Peace lover and i mean it <3 <3

Please do send one in. You have until February 8th :)

Thanks lyndsay, sure i am going to send it to you Soon :) :)

I love seeing how we are all being more awakened to our connections and how we have to help eachother. You are very talented and thanks to this new format hopefully you can find a good way to keep working on your dreams. Blessings!

Thanks, blessings for you too @jaimebetamax <3 <3

its very important blog on #davidfar stuff, nice steeming of videos and information via steemit community.

@DavidFar is AMAZING! xoxo

Hey dear, just seeing this now... this is a great idea. I'll try to contribute. Not feeling well for the past two days, when do you need the picture by?

Thank you Sarah, by February 8th, I would love to see you!

Sorry to hear you have been ill :( :( :(

supporting a good cause, I will send my photo to the mail, I do not understand why the president sends a soldier to war.?
What does the president win with that?
I do not see sense.

Great! I am looking forward to getting your email, thank you @joelgonz1982! You rock!

hopefully with the song can attract the attention of people .... and hope everyone loves peace ... stop hostility and murder ... peace is beautiful ... Greetings from us in Aceh @lyndsay ... we are here very supportive of peace .. 😊😊 Greeting the spirit and getting stronger ... rose from the pain .. always smile back .. 😍keep doing good 😍

Greetings @ridhasteem :) Thank you for being so amazing! <3 Much love to you and all your friends and family too!

of course with full support from the greatest Qurator @lyndsay... thanks again for all the family there .. love him

I clicked on it, and heard your song, your voice is beautiful i am happy to heart it and immediately fell in love with your singing karen to much like, i have to shared your video, your are great and cool @lyndsaybowes 👍👍👍

What if I want to be a part of it? Do I need to sing something? Or I can simply send a photograph. Believe me you won't want me to sing, not just for your video but even otherwise too :D

A photograph of a sign, or of you holding a sign with your own message from the heart would be great Goel!

There are 2 pages