Wazifa live fun band dutch

in #music7 years ago


Another weekend playing live in Andalusia with Wazifa. This time a birthday party where 3 bands played. Sierra blues rocked the place before we went on. In an two man down formation.
The other guitarist went through his back and the keyboard player is on holiday.
That's quite a challenge which made me nervous throughout the day. Wasn't used anymore to feel nervous. The audience enjoyed the show and I felt better after the show. So good that I decided to make a move, after moving house as well last week. I will go a bit to the coast to play busking and get some hotel gigs to fill up my almost empty wallet. My intention is ; to make some interesting videos, interviews with remarkable people and places.
So wish to share the good stuff with you later on this week. For now thanks for checking out my stuff and till later on.


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I didn't knew that expression but it's a wise one. I will try to incorporate the wisdom.