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RE: Scroll Away

in #music8 years ago

You raise a lot of good points here. Time is not only our most valuable possession, in many ways it is the only thing that we can ever actually claim to be our own. Unfortunately, as you mentioned, most of our time is probably wasted. We often do jobs that do not give us a sense of mastery or autonomy and are therefore, largely meaningless to our lives. Then to escape the frivolity of our existence, we waste our moments of freedom by zoning out to cheap entertainment. Nice post! Really makes me think


Where do you draw the line between entertainment and art though? When I connect with a piece of music, my time never feels wasted. Entertainment, on the other hand, is more of a product to be consumed and promptly discarded. However, the definitions are not so clear cut and it depends more on how we interact with art and entertainment.

Yes I completely agree. I was speaking very "matter of fact" and overgeneralizing to get my point across. I agree though that it is not all wasted time and even that not all work is meaningless. I was thinking more in terms of what you were writing about - the mundane social media scroll in which an hour can pass without us even opening an article to read it or watching a video in its entirety. Art, in all its forms, can be very meaning and influential though. It can inspire and provoke.