Long Night │Beat 81bpm

in #music4 years ago

Long Night.png

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I had a hard time the other day and needed to blow off some steam. I was depressed, tired, with a void in my chest. Fortunately, night fell and with it came inspiration. I didn't sleep all night and I received the dawn composing this song that I have come to show you today.

The chords I used in the first 12 bars were the following:

Em + C + D5 + C°7

Then I made a small variation from bars 13 to 15:

E5 + C5 + D5 + C°7 and E5 + C5 + D5 + C5

Then the ones I used at the beginning are repeated until the small variation comes back in to shape the theme.



For the piano part I used the Truepianos 4front VST. Looking for a sound that I liked, I finally decided to use the Atlantis module and its ROCK preset, which I modified a little bit the pitch to get the desired sound.




But it was not enough. I had not yet expressed my feelings. I searched and searched for hours for another sound that would complement the piano.

Finally I found what I wanted: The Rusted Phono lead of the VST Heat Up 3. I added some Delay and I had what I wanted.


For the bass I didn't have to think much and I went to Trilogy's VST. I set the Modern Funk Full range A preset and pulled out a simple progression so it wouldn't overshadow the melody.


And for a moment I thought it was done. I liked the sample, but I was not convinced.

I tried other instruments, but most of them overshadowed the melody. I thought maybe a cello and a viola would help. And so it was.

I used the VST Sakura, which comes integrated with the FL Studio and I used the STR Viola FG and STR Cello FG presets.



For the drum and box I used the Drum Pack from the FL Studio library. A smooth and precise sound. I didn't want any noise.


Then it was time to mix it up.

Honestly, it is tedious to explain the whole mastering process. This time I held on to FL Studio's Parametric EQ 2 and used it on every instrument. I removed sounds that were dirtying the mix and divided bass from treble to get a cleaner sound.

Here I leave the screenshots I took from my computer so you can see the process:









After three days of making arrangements here and there in my free time, this was the result:

I hope you like it. Thanks for listening.


The image used at the beginning of this publication and in the video uploaded to Youtube, was modified with Photoshop CS6 and belongs to Lukas Robertson, photographer of Unsplash.com.

All screenshots are from my computer.


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First of all: Welcome to our community at HIVE.

Secondly: A whole night (and three days) turned into a quite interesting 'tune'. It fits my mood this morning: Slow and Out-of-the-Ordinary. I woke up at 6 already, having 3+ hours to kill before my 'day' job starts.

Suggestion: You may like to post into communities. The visibility to HIVE users is generally increased by using them. Many music communities around. You may like to check out this one: https://hive.blog/trending/hive-193816

Another suggestion: Noticed you created a YT channel for your HIVE posts. We have a decentralised video platform right here at HIVE, called 3speak (3speak.co). When you upload your material with 3speak, it'll automatically post to HIVE. 3speak is a young service and has a great roadmap ahead of use for 2021. No content can be taken down when using 3speak (or HIVE for that matter).

Hope you'll have a great time with us HIVE people.

Slow and out of the ordinary. I understand the feeling.

I'm glad you liked the melody.

Three hours is enough to relax and improve your mood. I hope you had a good day.

Thanks for the suggestions. I was using the tag "music" in order to get that community you recommend to view my content, but after reading your comment I researched and now I know I was doing it wrong.

I will try 3speak. I was planning to use it after seeing so much audiovisual content at hive that was uploaded through that platform.

Thank you for your welcome.

Three hours is enough to relax and improve your mood. I hope you had a good day.

Three hours of HIVE, and then a bit stressful day job day with more HIVE in boring Teams meetings and in between all these video and audio calls. But HIVE usually calms my mind, which are the destressing episodes for me.

I will try 3speak. I

Cool! In case of questions, let me know, I may be able to help you (though am not at all a frequenct uploader of 3Speak content and not part of the team, but have some knowledge)

In case of questions, let me know, I may be able to help you...

Thank you, if anything comes up, I will contact you.