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RE: Miriam's Song - Kay Clarity (Original song)

in #music8 years ago

Thank you!

Yes.. it really is. Music is probably good for you, especially with you health issues? Even simple things.. I am sympathetic to the brain fog issue. Sigh. Sounds like it might be your thyroid as well. Not a doctor, but very suspicious, familiar symptoms.. maybe see what you can find online? Sometimes just getting rid of gluten gets rid of all or most of people's symptoms! Not me (probably not my main cause/sensitivity), but for a lot of people the difference is incredible.


Yes... I seem keep getting into things I'm not really able to do, exactly, but I keep liking them anyway! -laugh

About the gluten thing... I wouldn't mind trying it if I could afford to, though I'd probably go fully organic before I started cutting things out. The processed food we eat is genuinely awful, nutritionally. GMOS, pesticides... Well, my experience has been the longer we live on that stuff, the junkier our health is likely to become! So hard to be stuck on that kind of diet!! >_<

Honestly, I would put gluten even before organic (not because I think it's evil, but because objectively a lot of people are really sensitive to it.. for a lot of reasons). You can do it! Potatoes and rice aren't expensive!