I didnæt get to comment on your Wayne Krantz interview, but I read it and its funny because when he mentions that he couldn't take Frank Zappa seriously as a young man, I was the same with a lot of the HEAVY HIPPIE things. We were punks in our conviction and had a very hard time with all the lofty transcendence-Indian- togetherness. I played jazz with a very motley crew of people and we had this huge hippie daughter who played trompet and flugelhorn. She was always talking about McLaughlin, but we were to macho to really recognise it. I loved Paco since my uncle bought Sólo quiero caminar for me, but McLaughlin always was a bit in the shade in my younger years.
The last ten years I have listened though. Stupid youth :)
Funny that I found this the other day...
P.S. I had a period where I worked with where all the strange images come from, I have had the experience of thing coming to me from outside in all the media I have worked in - music, painting and also in writing.
I understand exactly where you are coming from, in my youth I was a music baby and his fusion was too rich for me to digest. It also took me some time to come around.
I know that clip above and I also enjoyed it. He was so many sides, he put out a album I can recommend for those who like softer music -- it was a tribute to Bill Evans. Here is a song from it.