Sorry (The Rose): A song for when you messed up and you know it

in #music7 years ago

Everybody makes mistakes. More often than not, we regret it and those are the type of mistakes that suck balls because guilt and pain and loss eats you up like termites eat your old house away.

This song started of with a hauntingly beautiful raspy voice that's sounds like he's in absolute pain and is knees deep in sadness and as the song progresses, this sadness turns to anger then at some point, well for the most part of it, you hear the desperation for forgiveness that at the slow part of the song in the end, you can actually feel the pathetic, pitiful begging to be taken back.

It sort of reminds me of those 90's rock ballad songs and that's just right up my alley. Not to forget about the rawness of the emotions you can feel in the song which was what made me fall for it completely.


The sadness for the what you know you've lost.

The anger directed to your own self for your absolute stupidity for losing something so special.

The despair for the fact that you may never have that special thing ever again.


Have you ever experienced that? The feeling of holding something so beautiful and precious in your hands, like a rose for example. Imagine that it's a one of a kind rose, something that's like no other and you're holding it in your hands, but since you own it, you can't seem to stop thinking like a normal greedy person that what if there's something more out there than what you already have, so what do you do? You rip that pretty, precious flower, petal by petal and let it slip through your fingers.

But once you're walking the cold, dark road alone, looking for something that calls to you like your rose did, you realized that you fucked up bad and this song perfectly potrays the feeling that you feel then.


A mix of anguish, pain, sadness, regret, despair and hopelessness. Listen to it and you'll get what I mean. You'd get the feeling of lost, wandering type of feeling and a sense of waywardness as well. I hope you enjoy it like I did.