Which love song makes you feel very emotional?

in #music6 years ago (edited)

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One love song that makes me feel beyond emotion is "Because you loved me" by Celine Dion. Although Celine Dion ascribed this to someone, the song is so complete, every verse, every line that I doubt that any man deserves such praise. I haven't found a human love close to this. Only God's. Humans can only do as much as they can. They are not perfect beings. That song is too perfect to have a Human being be able to give such unconditional love.

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You're the one who held me up, never let me fall....Most if not all humans will carry you as far as they can. When you become a burden and can no longer be useful to them, they cut off the string that holds you both together. They cut off from you in your worst state, especially when you need them most. Only God can see us through it all.

A lot of times, we are so self aware that we focus on the negative aspects of our being only. Its Ok to acknowledge what you feel you lack but focussing on it makes it difficult for us to see and appreciate the good in you and that is bad. God's love for me has so helped me build self confidence to the point that I think I can't be stopped by any inadequacies. If I don't have a thing, it's because I don't need it to survive. We need human love too but not more than we need God's love. God's love for me has swallowed up all my insecurities such that I now see life through his lenses. I don't recognize impossibilities anymore.

You were my strength when I was weak. Can someone really become your strength? Yes by helping you to do what you would have done or help you see possibilities where you once envisioned impossibilities. God is the strength of my life. Because I know that God does not fail. His word has got integrity. You can depend on his word. You can stake your life on his word because his word is his personality. Man could fail, not God. He doesn't get tired of loving me. Even with my flaws, my seeming weakness, my attitudes, inconsistencies and all, He still loves me. A man will love you when you do things that interest him. When it is convenient. God is not like that. He loves unconditionally. He loves the sinners as much as he loves the saints. The Bible says that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. Jesus died for ungodly men as a proof of God's love, not Christians.

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God's love is always reaching out to us. Even the people we think are the ones making things happen for us, God placed them there. He placed those opportunities in form of humans in our lives. Not so that He would become relegated to the background as it is the case with many. But so that we can know that he loves us. Some people because they are myopic and lack understanding have placed the gifts above the giver. They revel the things that God has made possible for them but fail to revel God the giver. No wonder they live such empty and dissatisfied lives irrespective of how much they get. The more they acquire, the more depressed and insecure they become.

A line of that song says, You saw the best there was in me...Not only did God see the best in us, he opens our eyes to see it to. To see best in us and also in others. He loves us and his love empowers us to love ourselves and to love others. That's why we can see beauty in people when everyone else sees ugliness. A man once said, "I see beauty in stones" He wasn't talking about physical stones but humans. The Bible says that God so loved..., that he gave... God was the first to give gift to man. He didn't just give any kind of gift, no. He gave his very best. Humans because they are selfishly wired will reserve the best for themselves and give just any other portion.

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God lifts us to the highest of heights attainable. Having God in my life gives me the courage to face any challenge and win. He gives me faith that I could go through anything and not break. He gives me the passion to reach for my goals.

I am blessed because I am loved by him.

He is my light in the dark. When I'm faced with hopeless situations, in very confusing and overwhelming trouble and it looks like I'm gonna drown, he is my raft that keeps me afloat. I come out stronger and better. He inspires me with courage, with love, with ideas, with faith and everything I need to win life phase after phase. I love God because he first loved me. He makes my world rock.


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