
I moved to Asia to escape the monotony of the UK in late 2015.. Still playing music of course.
But I never owned a computer.
My confidence and musical ability was not developed then, even though I had been playing for 20 years!!
But the time came mid last year when I cracked!!
Seeing other players getting great reviews for not so good music made me want to buy a cpu and release all of my ideas. I did so but have spent a year learning how to edit,,record etc...
Very hard going for a stubborn 80s'kid.

So I have decided I am a guitarist and am dedicating my life to share my creations.
Very happy with some of the results I have gotten but very hard to createin 35dg heat in Cambodia!!
All good man. It's nice to have a moan now and then eh :)

Thanks for asking.. I have never really spoke about it.
Personal reasons and a uninterest of technology.

I have played the guitar since being in my teens, but never showed my talent to anyone.
Those that did hear weren't so intrested, so I kept it quiet as I lived in a small town up untill 3 years ago.

On the other hand, social media like Twitter and Youtube allow people to express their talents to a far wider audience though.

I have an account on both.. Not going so well. lol