I appreciate irony when I encounter it and when someone told me about this I didn't believe it was true but the baby on the cover of the flagship Nirvana album Nevermind is suing basically anyone that had anything to do with the album cover for millions of dollars.

Spencer, who goes to music events to sign albums for a fee, has the word "Nevermind" tattooed on his chest, and on several occasions has recreated the iconic album cover, is suing everyone from the photographer that day to Kurt Cobain's estate and widow Courtney Love.
Thankfully he is not naked in the recreations.
He is in total suing 11 different people and entities for $150,000 each claiming that he has suffered emotional distress and that he is a victim of child pornography.

I can't find any record of what it is that Spencer has done with his life but I would imagine it is relatively "normal" and not particularly special. He's just an everyday normal guy like you and me and probably some lawyer talked him into this.
The irony is the fact that we all know he is not traumatized by this and over the years I can only imagine how much tail he has gotten simply be being the naked baby on the cover of one of the most celebrated albums of all time. I can just see it now: He's at a college bar chatting up some girl and tells her that he IS the naked baby on the cover of the Nirvana album and now she wants to get naked with the grown up baby.
I would imagine that he has been laughed at more than a few times for the tattoo on his chest and at 30 years of age now, the allure of hooking up with the Nirvana baby might not be so special anymore.
Further digging lead me to a few articles about how Elden is an artists of sorts and when he reached out to the famous people that he believes he is aligned with such as the surviving members of Nirvana to support his artwork, they didn't do so. Therefore this might just be a gigantic case of butthurt.
I would imagine that this case will not see the inside of a courtroom and Elden will get something like tens of thousands of dollars total and after the lawyer takes his cut it will be like half a year's salary for your average office worker.

I don't even like Twitter but that's pretty funny :)
I hope that when they do settle that they stipulate that he is no longer allowed to benefit financially off of signing albums or doing events in the future. After all, if you are so traumatized by it, why would you intentionally get involved in these events in the first place. It's not like they sought YOU out to attend them.
I bet he's been dining out on this for years and as the album slowly slips into historical insignificance, he's after one last payday. What a knobhead!
Yeah there isn't really anyone that is on his side in this thing other than his lawyer of course. If he was having trouble getting celebs to come to his art exhibits before, you can be guaranteed they wont be coming now!
Someone fwd me a meme about this the other day and I just presumed it was something someone made up. How incredible that it is actually true. I can't believe this weeb actually got "Nevermind" tattooed on his chest. What a goon.
I've seen a lot of stupid tattoos in my life, one of which was a toaster on someone's elbow but I wonder if the tattoo artist tried to talk him out of this when it was happening.