Hoy entraremos al mundo de un artista en crecimiento, ganador de nuestro primer concurso de creación de canciones, lanzado en enero de este año “Indieblock Records feat. Venezuela 2020”
Se trata de Aldair Rojas o mejor conocido como “Alda Music” nombre dado por su amado público.
Today we enter the world of a growing artist, winner of our first songwriting contest, released in January of this year "Indieblock Records feat. Venezuela 2020"
This is Aldair Rojas or better known as "Alda Music" name given by his beloved public.
Sus Inicios
His beginnings
Aldair es un joven musico venezolano, Zuliano, oriundo de Ciudad Ojeda,
Aprende Guitarra a la edad de 13 años, nos dice que recuerda que con mucha ilusión espero el día en que su papa le compro su primera guitarra junto con un libro para aprender, resultaba para él un sueño anhelado desde su infancia temprana.
Así le dio la bienvenida a cayos en sus dedos, producto de su disciplina y esfuerzo. Con el tiempo desarrollo su primer proyecto musical donde se presentaba con sus amigos en bodas y bautizos hasta que lo alcanzo la crisis social venezolana, dónde se vieron obligados a separarse; como su sueño era hacer música, decidió continuar por si solo iniciando en la producción de maquetas caseras que le han dado la experiencia necesaria para sus producciones actuales.
Aldair is a young Venezuelan musician, Zuliano, from Ciudad Ojeda
He learns guitar at the age of 13, he tells us that he remembers that he looked forward to the day when his father bought him his first guitar together with a book to learn, it was a dream for him since his early childhood.
This is how he welcomed the wounds on his fingers, product of his discipline and effort. With time he developed his first musical project where he performed with his friends in weddings and baptisms until the Venezuelan social crisis reached him, where they were forced to separate; as his dream was to make music, he decided to continue on his own, starting with the production of homemade models that have given him the necessary experience for his current productions.
Su Inspiración a la hora de crear
His inspiration in creating
Su inspiración nace de la necesidad de plasmar aquellos valores que ve escasos, las realidades del día a día lo motivan a crear, proyectando las situaciones comunes y todo lo que siente, que algunos no pueden ver;
Nos habla de cómo ama proyectar de forma cruda aquello que otros no se atreven a hablar, buscado convertirlo con el carisma que le caracteriza, en una sensible composición, para lograr así conmover al oído que lo escucha.
His inspiration comes from the need to capture those values that he sees as scarce, the realities of everyday life motivate him to create, projecting the common situations and all that he feels, that some cannot see;
He speaks to us of how he loves to project in a raw way that which others do not dare to speak of, seeking to convert it with the charism that characterizes him, into a sensitive composition, so as to succeed in touching the ear that listens to him.
Ganar “Indieblock Records feat. Venezuela 2020”
Winning "Indieblock Records feat. Venezuela 2020"
Además de ser una experiencia increíble para él, Aldair nos cuenta que el hecho de ganar el primer lugar en “Indieblock Records feat. Venezuela 2020”, lo lleno de profunda alegría generando en él una nueva perspectiva de la vida, que lo ha llevado a cambiar el panorama de su carrera como cantante y de sus metas a futuro.
También nos habla de cómo esto lo ha ayudado a reconocer y a valorar el trabajo que ha logrado,citando:
Siente como todo lo que ha logrado hasta ahora, lo impulsa a buscar la manera de seguir llevando su arte al siguiente escalón.
In addition to being an incredible experience for him, Aldair tells us that winning first place in "Indieblock Records feat. Venezuela 2020", filled him with deep joy generating in him a new perspective on life, which has led him to change the panorama of his career as a singer and his future goals.
He also talks about how this has helped him to recognize and value the work he has achieved,to quote:** "with this I have been able to see how past experiences have become results"
He feels that everything he has achieved so far is pushing him to find a way to continue taking his art to the next level.
Como ve su futuro
The Future

Su meta principal es seguir brindándole a su público, parte de su esencia, con material nunca antes visto, pero que vaya de la mano con la tendencia.
Aldair describe su trabajo como: “innovador” ya que busca desarrollar la realidad que otros, temen mostrar.
“Es a lo que me quiero dedicar el resto de mi vida”.
Changing his goals and aspirations, Aldair, visualizes a future in constant creation of new musical proposals, full of charisma and truth, where he can show the world his perspective.
His main goal is to continue giving his audience, part of his essence, with material never seen before, but that goes hand in hand with the trend.
Aldair describes his work as: "innovative" since he seeks to develop the reality that others are afraid to show.
"It's what I want to dedicate the rest of my life to."
Nuevos Lanzamientos
New Releases
Actualmente cuenta, con un repertorio amplio de canciones, en potencia para su difusión.
Nos muestra sus composiciones, que llegan a extenderse en un abanico de letras y temas que ha creado con el pasar del tiempo;
Aldair comenta que actualmente se encuentra trabajando en el proyecto creativo y en la producción de dos temas que espera pronto lanzar, y que estarán disponibles en la plataforma de Emanate y sus redes sociales.
Con esto nos despedimos, de este artista urbano que ya se encuentra cosechando éxitos.
It currently has a wide repertoire of songs, potentially for dissemination.
He shows us his compositions, which come to extend in a range of lyrics and themes that he has created over time;
Aldair comments that he is currently working on the creative project and the production of two songs that he hopes to release soon, and that will be available on Emanate's platform and social networks
With this we say goodbye to this urban artist who is already reaping success.
¡Escucha la canción ganadora del concurso dandole click al link de abajo!
Listen to the winning song clicking the link below!