Whenever I hear this song I have goosebumps. And every Greek above a certain age has goosebumps.
Why? It’s just another song you might think… No, it’s not just another song.
This song was the official song of the Eurobasket of 1987, a competition that Greece won.
This was our first major victory at that level, a surprise to all, even to us because we had never won anything up to that point.
This boosted our confidence and we had more successes in sports in the years to come. And all started in that hot summer night some thirty years ago…
And now whenever I hear the first keyboard notes, I immediately think about the final against Soviet Union, that unbelievable basket of Nick Galis ( at 1:22 ) and the free throws that earned us the victory.
When we Greeks are united and work towards a common goal, we kick major ass. This rarely happens, but that’s a whole another story.
I don’t think there is any other song so much connected with a sporting event and I am glad I remember it up to this day.
The Rules...
-Choose one song from your high-school/college years.
-Write a few words about who made you listen to this song for the first time, what this song means to you (was it a breakup song? you blasted it at 100% on your audio system when you were partying with your friends?) whatever you want.
-Write your text while listening to the song. As soon as the song ends, wrap up what you where writing and submit it.
-Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
-Mention one person who should do this on each day.
-Tag it with #musicwaybackchallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post
-Follow @greek-trail for great content made by our fellow Greeks!
I nominate @everybody and if you don’t like the rules , change them !
And until the next trip on the music memory lane …
Be healthy , Smile and Steem !
hehehehehe I LOVE this song!!!! it brings me right back to fun memories too!!!
but - even better??? This is a song on the Xbox JUST DANCE. and it is HILARIOUS!!! the dancing - oh man... you have to find it on youtube or something hahahahaha
but this part
hahahahahahahahha you crack me up @iliasdiamantis LOL
This one ?
It also has a pro wrestling theme. And know what ?
I am a huge pro wrestling fan. Loved it ...
But it is a story for another post.
heheh can imagine it was a memorable moment!!
in sports, i have with these most recent olympics this one because the sportchannel was putting it under every win :)
These things are called anchors. When an external stimulus is connected to an image or a thought or a feelling.
NLP came around the corner ;)
well it totally works... those moments i can remember so vivid!
cool game post 👍👍 greetings! 😊
Ένα φοβερό κομμάτι πραγματικά! Είναι κάποια κομμάτια που είναι άμεσα συνδεδεμένα με κάποια αθλήματα, κυρίως ποδόσφαιρο μπάσκετ.
Ιδιως το συγκεκριμενο και για συγκεκριμενες ηλικιες που το εζησαν.
@iliasdiamantis awesome games!!!!!!!
@iliasdiamantis A great song! I also really like it.
Great. Thanks ...
Δεν υπήρχα ούτε σαν ιδέα τότε εγώ! Καλησπέρα!
Ευχαριστω που μου θυμισες ποσο γερος ειμαι... :)
Ουυπς! Όχι βέβαια, απλά εγώ είμαι παιδάκι ακόμη :P
ενταξει παιδι μου, το δεχομαι... :)
ti ri ri ri... ti ri ri ri.. ti ri ri ri.. 😀😀
αυτο ακριβως. τιποτα αλλο.
A great song! I also really like it. Only I did not know that it was connected with such a grandiose event. Now I understand your excitement and pride!
This song "stigmatized" a whole generation... :)
I love her even more!
@iliasdiamantis nice games......
That's really a great song. I'm not a Greek, but i have also goosebumps
This is a historic moment. Never get tired to see it.
It's the final countdown.turururu TURURURURU!!
Το τραγουδι ειναι γνωστο και ως τιριριριριρι ....