It is Amazing to Me That a Romanian Artist Could Spur a Dance Craze in China.
The world is getting smaller folks and I absolutely love it. Check out some of the dance compilations coming out of China for this song. The internet is making the world a more beautiful place.
As beautiful as the panama song...s beautiful love this ....
Excellent Panama song thanks dear for sharing
This is a really excellent fun tracker Enjoyed by hearing their masterful dance they spoiled the beauty
Sir, you are really amazing to me to be one of your followersThank you sir @hilarski
wow i love panama i think i'm getting a wife out there
i am big fan of panama dance.My Friend @hilarsk, i liked so much 'panama dance" Its just awesome. Really Thanks for your share :)
nice song panama dance r very exilent.very nice video post
nive video and hot music
wow awesome :)
i really happy for your sharing@hilarski sir this my favorite song
for shareexcellent...... @hilarski your music post about panama song. amazing....... amazing. and thanks....
Meh....reminds me of The Macarena.
wonderfull video and nice more song.jpg)
The rhythm is really good that makes you want to dance! They move in a great way! interesting post
Wow now that's a trend to start off with looks pretty interesting
asom dancer.
Very nice music and dance step is awesome .
Thank you for share it.
if it wouldn't be the second video in the post i wouldn't even notice that people dance this way in the music clip... or they don't? :D