GOOGLE SONG MAKER CONTEST - Make a song in 30 mins or less on your computer, earn Steem -- details inside :-)

in #music7 years ago (edited)

I'm giving away 100% upvotes to all entries and 5 Steem to my favorite song.

EDIT - MONDAY MARCH 5 -- I am surprised and delighted by the huge number of participants in this contest. Tomorrow morning around 10am NYC time I will make the final decisions and send out all the prizes!

Google Song Maker Rules

Google's latest music-related app takes fun music making to a new level. This one is surprisingly deep, allowing you up to 3 octaves of range with full chromatic note choice (no limitation of one scale or small set of notes), you've got a few different drum sounds to pick from, and the color scheme is AMAZING for learning how to hear the notes better.

Basically it's a way to make some music in 30 mins and have fun while powering up your brain. TBH I feel like using this for 15 mins a day could actually be a pretty great way to do "ear training" and composition/songwriting practice at all once.

Here's my favorite experiment so far (note - original song written by the band "chon"):

How to Participate

It's simple: Visit the Google Chrome Music Lab: - whip up a track for about 30 mins. Then, share the track and a few sentences about your experience making the song - how was the app?

After that, you'll receive a 100% upvote from me ($0.60 or so) and I might follow you if it turns out we have similar music taste. No promises tho. My favorite song will receive 5 steem, to be awarded in a day or two whenever I feel like it.

Cool? Oh one last thing -- TAG A FRIEND who you should participate! If you do this AND submit a song, I will send you an extra 1 steem bonus guaranteed (first 10 participants only).

Steem on,


Haha this is awesome, I've never heard of this before.

I made a little chord progression in it - this could actually be beneficial for kids trying to get acclimated to the language of music production! Good find!

Hell yes! This is more of an indie / post-punk vibe, totally different style from anything I have found so far on my own. Nice harrison, now I am inspired to keep trying more.

Hey Matt, I will reply to you here because I couldn't find a way to reply to the actual post. When I hit reply up there it replies to the last comment of this post. (I am brand new here, I did read your post about the eBook you are writing though and it's really informative).

Great fun app, here is a little piece I did:

Nice, dance groovin' but with an edge of rock or maybe post-punk. Got my head bopping but with some intensity in the melody. Well done @eslisugich welcome aboard

Haha thanks man. Yeah go get it!

I found myself looping this one far longer than I anticipated I would

good job man! 4 bars full of good vibes! :)

This song is so dope yo!

OMG you won this ! i love it

DOPE! LOVE IT. Its definitely catchy in a button mashing kind of way. Nice dude I will transfer you your 1 steem for the referrals a bit later

my totally random song :)

Feels a bit like you are making an Atari game song :) Love what @harrisonmir did! I had no clue what to do, to be honest.

I don't know who should participate. All I see are awesome photographers... maybe they have hidden skills. @soyrosa, how are your music skills?

I feel like I'm cheating because I'm actually a music producer. 😉 I love what you did! Sounds like it could be in a video game soundtrack! Maybe like a racing game or something.

let's go retro!! I think it is awesome to give this limited platform a shot as a producer. Must be frustrating to only have 0.1% of the options available. And still, you manage to turn it into something that makes sense ;)

Haha yes and no - one of my mantras as a producer who is often working for someone else is 'never complain about the resources available - just make it work'. Often times I'm working with folks who don't have million dollar studios to record in and such - the assets often aren't perfect and it's my job to make it awesome anyway.

Adaptation is invaluable!

As I mentioned to @heymattsokol too - this could be a great primer for someone who might be interested in music production but just wants to get used to the format and fool around a little bit without dropping $$$. That's hugely important too!

Love it! It may be random, but it's random in the best way. Well done and thanks for doing the recommendation :-)

and thank you for the fun idea and the steem :)

hey man! this is pretty neat. it's pretty basic (it was lacking the 15th note for me to make it a full 2 octaves, and each note duration is standard) but it allows you to create a song nonetheless. my kid wasn't looking on and wanted to play with it. here's my song that I composed within 30 minutes:

now to tag a few friends - @calvinlee, @stephhchia, @maxyong!

Banner Steem-Music (500x200).jpg

SO SICK! You are the first person to compose something that resembles a full song, not easy to do with three octaves, two instruments, and only 16 measures to work with. Love it.

Yoooo so I have a link to my first song I made on there (just a fun little goofy mariimba/drumkit loop) I whipped this one up this morning right after I saw your insta post.

This second track though.... I'm actually pretty frickin' stoked on. I picked strings (a choice influenced by my love of Aphex Twin) and built a nasty little discordant riff with lead and bass lines. I love the way the bongos play out the beat before it loops. It totally reminds me of a jingle from the Goron Temple in Legend of Zelda. Like something that would play when you enter a shop.

I want @grapthar to make a song on here! He would kill it.

Yeaaa this def feels like exactly what I would want to hear upon entering any shop in a Zelda game. Spot on, and first use of congas in the thread. Here's hoping the mighty @grapthar stops by

hahaha dude this app is great!! is perfect for children and adults of course!! this is my entry, a piece of 8 bit rock and roll hahaha.
I made it in less than 10 minutes, i think..For this one, i pick the piano and kit and hit the tempo on 159...
Hope you enjoy it!!

Nice! Interesting melody / chords, feels like you got a little bit of jazz sneaking into the pop groove there. Well done especially in only ten minutes nice work javier

thanks man, i appreciate it!! i will like to tag my brother @steamdan

Wow, that was fun! It reminds me times when I played my organ. Now I have no instruments to play. I'm glad I found this.
Here is my track
Got a headache in the end lol
@chamudiliyanage, @tegoshei, you can try this too!

Woah! Very visual on this track, I feel like I could go for a jog on top of this melody lol. Super chromatic and march-like, significant forward momentum and playful energy. Thanks for participating.

@heymattsokol, thanks for awakening my musical side today :)

Have a listen to this weird thing I made:

Now, I nominate @jamesgetsit to do this. Since he probably won't receive the mention otherwise, I'll go comment on something of his too.

My opinions on the tool: honestly, I felt the same way about this as I do with any music writing tool I have ever used. It's difficult for me to visualise the music I see in my head and put it into the visual language these tools understand. I get frustrated really easily, and I had planned a longer song, but the time limit was up and I had only finished half of what I wanted to do.

Still, I like the way it came out, for something done in such a short time.

In general, I am frustrated with the inability to record the songs I hear in my mind's ear. I have a new one all the time, and they are all just immediately lost once I forget them, because I have no way to accurately record them.

Yea I can hear you about it being hard to convey whats in your mind onto the page, although in this case it is sounding exquisitely musical like it could be a passage out of any Bach or Beethoven kinda piano piece. DANK, if this is anywhere near what is in your mind at the start, I'd say you are doing great.

Thanks, man. Yeah, Bach specifically did a lot of this sort of fast-moving chord-centric stuff. Not that I'm arrogant enough to say that I was "inspired" by his work or anything. I probably was, I guess. I listened to that sort of music a lot when I was young.

I love the idea for this app. I think it's incredibly useful for non musicians, especially with the pitch to midi conversion via the mic. That being said, I personally hated the interface. Using a midi keyboard automatically moves one beat per note, there's no mass erase for a beat, and I want reverb for the drum sounds ala funklet. All that being said, this was a fun way to spend 30 minutes. Did some stevie wonder chords over some weirder rhythms

Classiest submission of the contest so far 200%. Nice dude you are the first one to do the latin kinda style

I'm a classy kinda guy

Oh, I'll put that on repeat ;)

It's a very cool toy. I have no musical background but here's my simple little piano loop >> link What do you think?

The app is cool, but it was also kinda glitch for me. There are some interesting toys there though and this might be a nice on the go DAW if it works on mobile.

Love this Doug, thanks for participating. i havent tried on mobile yet but I feel the same way -- I really think it's one hi hat away from being a usable demo DAW for pro musicians.

I tried it out last night and it seems to work fine on mobile. And yeah, not sure why they didn't include a hihat.

Cool idea! Never heard of that app.
I was just doodling so here's what I came up with.

Very nice! This one put me in a trance, kind of phasing effect with how those notes line up. Love it

SO COOL , here's my song I call it KUNDALINI

hey @davvas check this contest !

Awesome! I love the way this one looks, as well as the way the chords sound when it goes from the end of the loop back to the first few notes again. Great job Shelly thanks for participating :-)

yes, to be honest i didn't have a clue how to make a song, i love music but i don't know how to read it / chords / etc so i tried to make a drawing that sounded "somehow good" it looks like a snake so i wanted to call it kundalini <3 ... of course the result is simple but i think it's nice for an alarm or videogame or something like that. I also love the end of the loop back to the beggining. Oh man but after i made my entry i started to read all the comments and OMG hahahahahah so ashamed the first comment was like WHATTTT HOW YOU DO THATTTT, thanks for creating this contest i didn't know about this music lab and i intend to use it and learn more and teach my kids :D

This is too good! I would not have found this app in a million years by myself. Thank you! I will tag @shellylopez and my song is this one!

When I saw your post I assumed that this was going to be a super hard thing to make, but I don't think I spent more than 5 min in the makes, but I really had fun. I will name it "Caribbean Marimba flow" lol... It's really cool to find these kind of games, I will for sure share it with my sons and to other friends as well. It was more than a test a kind of stress relief scenario for me! To be able to take a couple of minutes and relax with this app was a nice gift from you! I think I speak for everybody when I say it, but it was indeed a great choice for a contest. Again, thanks, and have a great week everybody!

This is weird. When I first opened the post, even though it was like half an hour ago, the comments did't appear, so I counted only 8 participants! I rushed but, I know now I'm like the number 15 lol. Anyways I enjoyed this quite a lot, and I'm sure everbody else did too! Take care peeps!

I later found there were more options, I think this one sounds a little better, but as I'm listening to the other contestants I'm digging all of their tracks. Again, pretty cool idea! Lots of talent around here. Cheers!! "80's style"

Nice song and reinterpretation, some deep chordal ideas going on in here. Thanks for taking part in the contest Dan!

Thank you for making it possible! As a musician and a father of two, I will use this a lot for them and to play and get better myself as well. Cheers and keep the music up where it belongs!

I tried to make some, the app is so cool, i think i spent about 25 minutes working on this and fine tuning lol
Here is a link to mine

Awesome, thank you Tonal!! I'm at the coffeeshop now but will give this a listen tonight. Glad to have you in the contest :-)

Awesome, i wished you had listened to it though

Ok, I’ll see if I can make some sort of minimal woozy thing. Because Friday.


Instead I made some organo-electro arps. (I secretly hanker for a hi-hat line)

I'd nominate @drumoperator to have a go at this!

Whoa. Inquisitive, dark yet pushing forward, enigmatic but emerging from the light. I feel like I'm on the home screen of a Jeopardy + Boxing video game, or like I am going down a waterslide in slow-mo.


Next up, make acid house in a browser.

holy shit dude. I am definitely digging into this later. Another contest may be called for lol

edit -- you always know the coolest shit about this stuff man haha

I wont be participating but its a very fun idea. Good luck to all the entries. :)

Hey Matt,
I'm a little late to contest but I enjoyed spending a half hour writing this piece for it!