Some things in life just don't make sense to me. I don't understand how some of these songs became popular in the first place and in many instances they were considered legendary. Many of these songs are still played at gatherings and discos and I just don't get it. Every song on this list was a chart-topper and sold millions of copies. Some of these songs, if played in public, i find so annoying that I will actually have to leave for a while (or permanently.) Let's see if you agree.
Jump Around: House of Pain
Sadly, this song is still a go to song for DJ's at clubs all over the world. I find the screeching sample that is played over and over and over and over to be nothing short of ear-rape. I can't imagine how this song took hold and became popular; the rap is not good and some of the lyrics are just dumb.
I never eat a pig cuz a pig is a cop!
That "Crazy Frog" song by Axel F
So someone takes a popular song that is played at basketball games and then uses a voice modulator to make ridiculous and annoying sounds that don't actually sound anything like a frog. If you are over 8 years old and dig this song I think there is something wrong with you.
My Humps by The Black Eyed Peas
I might be a bit biased about this one because I was a 5th grade teacher at the time and a few of the boys in the class would not stop singing this one. It was released in 2005 and I wonder what the feminist SJW lunatic reaction would be if this song were released today. With such incredible lyrics as "whatcha gone do with all that ass?" I roll my eyes when i hear this song.
Mambo No. 5 (1999) - Lou Bega
So you mention a bunch of girl's names in the song so that everyone thinks you are speaking directly to them. This is sometimes done with city names. It is a shameless tactic of ensuring some college girl will end up making this "her jam." If you play this song around me I might stab you.
We Built this City by Starship
This song was friggin everywhere in the 80's. Videos were still relatively new and this one was likely played more than most. I think the thing that annoys me the most about this song is the fact that it isn't even a rock and roll song. It is poppy garbage that gets stuck in your head and wont leave. Oh, and the video is just terrible.
Tubthumping, Chumbawamba
This song is a great way to get me to leave a wedding reception. It is a collection of i don't even know what. I suppose it was popular because it talks about drinking a bunch and then singing songs that remind him of the best times and then it does that same lyric over and over again. Honestly, if it weren't for the horns we would never know when this one was going to end.
Well, that's my list. There are more but I figured I would make this reasonably short. If you can think of a popular song that annoys the crap out of you please post it in the comments and if i agree i will reward you accordingly!
Thanks for reading
Arg crazy frog, just burn it with fire.
And thank you, now I have "we build this city" in my head.
I can offer another "great" song, I will just say "last christmas" ...
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Yeah. I too don't like Jump around and the frog song.They have so badly messed the song up.😞
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Pretty commonly accepted list in my book. Not a song here that I would ever want to hear again. A few others I would add personally. Billy Joel’s Piano Man would be pretty high up that list.
Personally one of my most hated songs that others seem to love is Sir Mix-a-Lot’s Baby Got Back. To me, it’s the sound of a thousand housewives drunk on vodka screaming in unison because they got a babysitter for the night and can dance with “the girls”. I can’t stand it.
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haha, Baby Go Back is another one of those songs that would spark a feminist Twitter outrage swarm if it was released today.
People are still playing My Humps? I don't think I've heard it since 2005, but I haven't been going to any of your typical corny receptions...and I haven't missed it.
Cotton Eye Joe comes to mind, but I think wedding DJ's may have finally shelved it, thank goodness.
That 90's song What is Love has a way of staying trapped inside my head. If it shows up on the radio I swiftly change stations before it is too deeply seared into me.
Thanks... now "what about love" is trapped in my head... haha
Someone told me to play Bohemian Rhapsody when needing to get a song unstuck. The changing tone and the inspiration to head-bang towards the end of the song is supposed to do the trick ;)
that is actually a very good idea :)
Oh wow, I am not sure I agree with you on all of these. Okay My Humps is pretty dumb. I will give you that. Also Tub Thumpping is not by any means a lyrical masterpiece. I have to take offense to We Built this City though. I mean it doesn't have the greatest lyrics, but for nostalgia alone, it is a great song. Maybe it is just my age, but I remember my sister getting this album on cassette and we would listen to it over and over. I can take or leave Mambo #5. You would probably have a lot of upset wedding DJ's if it went away though :). Jump Around, is just a good fun song to get people pumped. Yeah the lyrics might not be great, but you would probably be hard pressed to find someone that can't sing them along word for word. Thanks for sharing this! My song that annoys me would have to be Blue by Eiffel 65.
I just unfollowed you. We clearly have nothing in common. J/k
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Hahaha, you had me there for a second. I try to appreciate all forms of music. I get you though, there are just some songs that make you want to take a power drill to your head.
Those are definitely over rated songs and I agree they're annoying. But recently I find "Despacito" so annoying (to me, almost all Reggaeton is) that I just don't understand the success. Thanks for sharing.
with Despacito i actually really liked it the first time i heard it, but then the next thing i knew it was everywhere. It is fading away now but at one point it was inevitable that you would hear that song many times a day even if you didn't want to.
Here in the Philippines you can always here those songs whenever there is a birthday party especially if it is a kids party.
Thank you for your upvotes, glad to be your friend! 🙏
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