It's actually not a spreadsheet, but a table, it just that Steemit went for the spreadsheet display, which is probably for the best. Their lines are too narrow as it is.
I did consider posting them one after the other, but that would've been far too long, and it would've made it harder to follow sound and meaning, in case someone desired so. In anime openings and endings, they do these on the video itself during the relevant time, but I don't really do video editing, alas, so this would have to do.
And I'm glad you got to appreciate it in the way I intended, the way I do, each time I listen to it. This is a work of genius. The lyrics, the story, it's just so strong; this merging of the everyday and the sublime. And yes, the rising tempo of instrumentation is used to great effect.
I'm glad you took a chance, and told me how it went :)