@iamceezee Thank you so much!
Feels good to hear someone who see the effort we put into stuffs, now after I have started to make these mixes I have also started to see and appreciate the amount of work that other Youtubers or other content makers put into their work. It's pretty much always a lot more than we first think it is : )
And yes, consistency is the key! I would have stopped a long time ago if I didn't enjoy doing this, but even while I enjoy it, it's still many times very frustrating, hehe.
Kudos to you too, good luck with your editing and everything else :)
Lol i understand,if you got passion for it you'll always go back to it no matter how hard you try to stop and most especially when you start earning good too..well i've stopped editing at the moment cause my system is faulty but once i fix it i'll be back on track