Thanks for your comment and for listening :) The mental home I was locked in for 6 weeks wasn't much better than Arkham Asylum lol. I think the batman vocal would be cool but I have a rule that I never use samples or melodies from anywhere else, it avoids copyright complications should the tracks ever gain traction. I'm a little OCD/Weird about using popular samples for some reason.
Yea it sounded cool. I can send you the beat with the hook in it if you want to do some verses on it after I release the full track itself? That'd be cool. I haven't ever done a full solo track myself so I want to release that version first but it'd be awesome to do a jazz version for a second version if you want to?
brilliant I will throw you a rough draft just for your listening pleasure as soon as my voice be haves I have been dealing with the flu and sound like a goose :P
Interesting first draft def needs a bit of filling instrument wise, chorus is really nice saw Batman eh ;) Welcome to Arkham Asylum ;)
P.S may I suggest doing a background vocal using the old batman tune ...If you throw me the track I can show you what I mean ...
Thanks for your comment and for listening :) The mental home I was locked in for 6 weeks wasn't much better than Arkham Asylum lol. I think the batman vocal would be cool but I have a rule that I never use samples or melodies from anywhere else, it avoids copyright complications should the tracks ever gain traction. I'm a little OCD/Weird about using popular samples for some reason.
oh I would sing it in for yo in a jazz version ..if you want -did Willy show you what we did with your other beat ?
Yea it sounded cool. I can send you the beat with the hook in it if you want to do some verses on it after I release the full track itself? That'd be cool. I haven't ever done a full solo track myself so I want to release that version first but it'd be awesome to do a jazz version for a second version if you want to?
oh it would just be a backing vocal to your stuff ...just throw it at me when you are ready ..
I've just enabled downloads on the track on soundcloud so you can get it from there now :)
brilliant I will throw you a rough draft just for your listening pleasure as soon as my voice be haves I have been dealing with the flu and sound like a goose :P