A warm welcome to Hive, Drumma Boy! I read a little bit about you, and it's clear that you've achieved quite a lot in your career already, and are enterprising in terms of the future of the music industry. One particular story which made me smile was about how you made a song about the quadratic formula in 9th grade - making math cool!
I'm certain that you'll bring a lot of value to Hive, and I hope that Hive can return the favor to you. It's a little bit quiet here now, but we're expecting things to blow up over the course of the next couple of years.
I'm personally here with a mission of bringing smiles to Hive, and hopefully just a little bit more... I run a community called FreeCompliments, where our primary goal is to bring about happiness, but we also support artists, writers, gamers, etc., and are working on initiatives to support mental health using the power of the blockchain - a first on Web 3.0 (to my knowledge). Should you ever or anyone you know ever have a down day, we're here for ya!
Looking forward to seeing some very cool stuff from you! Have a blast here. 😊
Edit: I used a mechanism available on Hive to help your future posts gain some earnings and traction.
As you can see, there are plenty of details to pick up on Hive, but all of that will make start to make sense over time. No rush. Enjoy the gift. 😁
@ganjafarmer if/when Drumma Boy becomes interested in learning more about the details of how Hive works, I know you'll be able to give him an unparalleled rundown.
Ok ok, real research! Glad to be here and thanks for the welcome!