Wow such powerful songs. Even though I don't understand the language I can feel it.
I think this post is great. A fine way of bringing different cultures together and doing it through music shows how we are all connected and that there is no such line of division between us all.
It is quite hard to find just one song to share so I hope it is ok to share a couple.
The songs I have are french (from Québec). This first one I am sharing is from Sir Pathétik called Maman. It talks about the hardships of mother's and what they do for their children and his appreciation for his mother. The chorus says : I have so much to say, but I would rather write it. I liked seeing you every morning and for you I will become someone good.
And talks about how she was always there during hard times that he was there and always accepted him.
A bit personal why I share this song but I wont go into that here :)
Since you shared an older song, I will too, but not too old lol. This video has the english translation in the video.
I really like the drum in this song. And the words... well see for yourself :P
Note: On the translation a few mistakes were made but pass ok but the one where it says 'To calm your wishes to uphold your families head' That is rubbish.... Pour calmer tes envies de hold-uper la caissière. Means to calm your desires of doing a hold up on the cashier. Or basically finding a way to not rob the cashier lol. Not always easy to translate.
Ok only 2 for now as there is too many to share but you have inspired me to write a post! Thank you. When I do I will let you know ;)
Wow - thanks for sharing these songs!
The first is magic and reminds me of pop/R&B bands from the 80s if you understand what I mean. It has great contents too, I understand bits and pieces of French and that makes me love listening to French lyrics always - it's like a little present when I understand a sentence ;-)
The second song has an amazing beat to it! I love that! And 'arrière-arrière' just sounds so musical lol! I don't know if I like the 'slut shaming' part about the woman sleeping with different partners and having all those regrets but it might sound different in French and I understand it's a parody :-)
Well - I actually can't wait for your post now @foxyspirit because you seem to really love this! :D Thanks again and looking forward to reading more!
Hoping I can write the post today time giving.
Ya the slut shaming part isn't great, but I do understand where he was going with it. Talking about how times change, how before the great great grand parents were to the great grand parents etc to now (when the song was written I mean), when today everything is being sexualized. Looking at videos where women are more than half naked, twerking and objectifying themselves to that. Lacking respect for themselves in a sort of way. It is how I see the message.
I rewatched the video and where he says 'when you do dirty things', it doesn't exactly translate to that. I mean it somewhat does, kind of like 'when you fool around'... and 'you save yourself with abortions' is more like saying you run from your problems through abortion. It is nicer said in french than the translation they give.
It also comes with understanding how some things are in the cities in Quebec or even smaller towns how it can be. Many do go through that. When in my teens, later high school, I've had heard friends go through that. It is more sad that part than it is shaming. But anyways, it is a song about how times have changed but the one thing that never did was dancing, having fun. :)
Haha - yes, I understand as well that context matters and even the exact translation and intonation of words :D Quebec sounds like an interesting city and knowing that city must add even more to the meaning of the song :-)
Times HAVE changed a lot indeed, sometimes for the better, sometimes... well, for way worse ;-)
Wow! I just went to bed so will listen to your songs in the (my) morning - but already super impressed by your comment. So happy it inspired you to write a post <3 We’ll talk more later!
Im reading the comments and listening to the songs. I am happy that you are getting many replies on this post. It's awesome!