
Love the art Sean but I can't relate to the music I'm afraid ;)

Ah well. It ain’t for everyone:) Thanks for checking it out.

Need to find some original music for background stuff in the game ;) Do you think any of your music contacts would be interested in creating or helping to create content for sfeos?

Yeah I could ask around. Definitely. Not sure what we would end up with but maybe they have some spacey stuff on the shelves.

Oh man... I love this album so much. Ever since I heard 'Golden Thinking' on Lyktum's 2014 summer mix 2 years ago I have been anticipating it's release.
It's changed so much since then too. I was watching an interview with Dejan where he talked about the personal journey of discovery of the past 2 years (whilst apologizing for taking so long on the album). He completely disassembled and reconstructed the album after this personal process. Such dedication to an artform that is relatively niche is so rare. Such admiration and inspiration from this, it's basically restored my faith in full on psy trance. Thanks for posting.

Great comments @harlequincham. I appreciate the time investment. As soon as I get Steem opened on my computer I will check out you page. I’m using eSteem on my phone and it’s a bit wonky at the moment. Keep in touch. Seems like we have a bit in common eh?