

Thanks for stopping by - I hope you enjoyed a great rendition of While My Guitar gently Weeps! Favourite Tom Petty track?

Southern accents has been a personal favourite of mine

Not happy about this news at all !!! Love all the Classic Rockers that made history. Just FYI for anyone: next time you watch Kevin Costner's movie "The Postman" which is awesome by the way, pay attention to the leader of the town above the Dam near the last quarter of the movie : )

You are welcome to follow me here on Steemit and on YouTube. I make a nice amount of extra income selling Thrifted items on much I make depends on how much I work it and what cool stuff I find...I Post here and I vlog the Hauls & Solds and the journey of a Thrifty ReSeller... you don't even need money to start, you can begin by selling stuff from around your home or ask Friends & Fam to donate items .... List It, Sell it, repeat :)