My pleasure @foxyspirit, thank you for staying with me until the video!
That first guy, that’s Eligh, The Grouch raps second.
Thank you for stopping by @foxy, great to hear from you!
Edit: I just noticed autocorrect didn’t want to spell “foxy.” @foxy! Like that. Thanks so much for stopping by. =}
That's who I thought it was, but wasn't 100% sure. So far I think I really like Grouch.
I understand what you mean by Hip Hop not being a genre. A lot of people think that Goth is from the type of music someone listens to. So many ways of thinking what something is without knowing truly what.
Grouch, ya I can’t disagree with you on that one. I have a tough time deciding, they’re both real talented.
Goth, yes! Good one, you understood exactly what I was trying to say.
You know.. someone who writes as well as yourself and is as busy as you are taking the time to read something I had to say sure is nice!
Cliff note: Use ‘nice’ rather than ‘flattered’ or else it may screw up the whole Hip Hop theme you got goin....
Haha, ya can't mess it up :p
Thank you for your...trying to think hip hop here.... Thank you for your words, they are trippin'... Did that work? LOL In any case, thank you for your kind words. ( I can't write Hip Hop lol)