Wernicke’s aphasia is known as a fluent aphasia because the patient does not appear to have any difficulty articulating speech (none of the slack-jawed verbal hammers for these guys), but may be paraphasic. Comprehension of speech is impaired and sometimes even single words are not comprehensible; the world of words descends to la la land, a land of hootcalls and Hunns, where even Topsy and Tim (or Elmore Leonard, or Richard B. Parker or Charles Bukowski) neologise themselves into Finnegan's Wake.
The Memory of Language, once a noun, becomes a nasty, inexpressible verb.
So, yes. Sigur Ros is Coldplay heard through the gauze of Wernick's Aphasia but I can't just can't get the horrible smell out of my lungs that it might still be quite beautiful.