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RE: Hi Steem I am Thing Two! Introduction and DTUBE EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL MUSIC VIDEO

in #music7 years ago

It is always best practice to clearly identify when a link you are sharing is a REF link. I see that you are spamming this comment to new users - personally I think Steemfollower is the fastest way to mess up your feed, I would never recommend that a new user try to gain followers that way. If you absolutely must continue to spam similar comments in the future, please identify the fact that the link you are sharing is a REF link and you get something if somebody signs up for the service using that link.


I will identify it as a REF link in the future (didn't know that was a problem). You won't gain follower through Steemfollower it just helps new people to get the exposure on their posts they really deserve. If your content isn't good you won't get anything out of Steemfollower. And yeah sure it was a REF link and all but if you read the referral conditions you will se it is literally nothing. Just wanted to share this information with new people to the community since it really helps me to increase the exposure of my post even though I don't have that much followers. Would really appreciate to get an insight on what I'm doing wrong and getting a chance to make it better before getting downvoted.
As I said I didn't know you have to identify your REF links, I will change that in the future.

in a nutshell, you are welcome to spam the same generic comment across the blockchain, and people are welcome to flag you for it. If you want to grow a following, using Steemfollower and spamming identical generic comments is literally the worst way you could possibly go about things. If you are seriously confused about this, I suggest leaving honest, thoughtful comments that actually reflect the content you are commenting on.

Again it is not about Followers it is about the exposure of posts for minnows with literally no followers. I really understand the spamming part but if you would take the time to read the post I'm spamming you would see I really make an afford helping out those and they are grateful for it. I just thought why should they wait 2 weeks, like me, to find that out when I can help them out, BUT again I really get the spamming part. Will stop this! Thanks for your insight despite the downvote 😜
We all learn and get better from mistakes!

That is great you are hearing me RE the spamming generic comments. I am far from the only person to be annoyed when I see a generic comment left on a post, and then I check the comment history and see the same generic comment has been spammed across the blockchain. If you take even just a minute to actually read the post you are commenting (or watch the video, listen to the song, etc.) and leave just a couple of words that make it clear you actually read/watched/listened and are giving real feedback, your comments will be MUCH more impactful (and less likely to draw flags).

To be honest though the main reason I flagged you, and the reason I am leaving the flag in place, is I think Steemfollower is a terrible mistake to make and terrible advice to give to new users. I don't want that comment visible on this post. I used Steemfollower myself for a few weeks when I was starting out and I have regretted it ever since, if I could go back and tell myself not to do it I would never have ever signed up for the service in the first place. It is far better to only follow people when you have real, human interactions with them and can be relatively sure they are not a spammer/scammer. Following people from Steemfollower you are basically guaranteed to choke your feed with crap from spammers/scammers. As there is no built in advanced search functionality, you basically have two options when looking for posts on Steem - trawling through the tags, or looking through your feed. I messed my feed up so much with a few weeks of Steemfollower that it made my feed useless.

I appreciate your willingness to have a conversation and I have followed you. I gave you a similarly sized upvote on a post of yours so hopefully it all comes out in the wash. No hard feelings. Cheers - Carl

To be honest I never looked at it that way. It really makes sense and gave me something to think about. I guess I was just frustrated to not get upvotes or even any comments on my posts after putting so much time and commitment into them. I learned a lot since I joined and really appreciate your support and your willingness to even read my reply and my point of view. Great to see that even an downvote can have that much of an impact. Retrospectively I'm kinda glad and thankful for your downvote as weird as it may sound 😂