Good day to all of the Hive music fanatics out there!
We are now well into December and that means only one thing - no not Christmas, it's time for my yearly round-up of album releases for this year. There has been a copious amount of quality releases in 2024, which has made narrowing this list down to eighteen albums a lengthy task. As usual I've chopped and changed, re-evaluated and rewritten, but I think I'm finally there.
As anyone that has ever read my yearly reviews will know, my passion when it comes to music is Heavy Metal in all of it's forms. I realise that my love for Metal puts me in the minority but I wouldn't change that for the world. With that said, Metal is an extremely diverse genre that is populated by an abundance of creative minds and obscure niches alongside more accessible commercial releases. Give it a shot and you just might find something that scratches an itch that you didn't even know you had!
Let's get in to it
18. Pallbearer - Mind Burns Alive
Nuclear Blast Records
Pallbearer's latest release Mind Burns Alive is an album that I admittedly slept on for most of this year. The stripped back raw approach to song writing and production adopted for the band's 5th offering initially had me disappointed. However, as is often the case, a return to the new material completely changed my perspective on it. Patience was needed, but once I got there I came to see how the naked and sometimes unsettling vocal intros, served as a stark counterpoint in the build towards intensely emotional crescendos. This is most evident in my personal highlight of this offering 'Signals'. These funeral doom titans may not have written my favourite album of the year, however definitely one of my favourite songs!
17. Aquilis - Bellum II
Northern Silence Productions
Not usually a big fan of symphonic metal, I find the trend being bucked somewhat by Bellum II. In short, this is how symphonic black metal should be done. The black metal foundations are thick and atmospheric, with beautiful layering of haunting violins and uplifting flute playing. Tracks like 'Sombre Loom' and 'A Solitary Demise', adding keyboards/piano and operatic vocals that set the mood, leading to big payoffs before the heavier tracks.
16. High On Fire - Cometh the Storm
MNRK Heavy
Barbarians of sludge High On Fire returned this year with another solid release titled Cometh the Storm. What we have here is yet more proof that Matt Pike is utterly incapable of writing a bad riff! Add to that the thundering drums and lightning crack symbol attack of drummer Coady Willis on the title track, with a sprinkling of Turkish guitar on the instrumental 'Karanlik Yol' and we have ourselves another fine effort. My one request would have been that the latter be used more throughout the album.
15. Job for a Cowboy- Moon Healer
Metal Blade Records
American death metal band Job for a Cowboy return with their trademark skin-blistering speed and tech infused aggression on Moon Healer. Continuing with their steadily increasing foray into experimentation, with off kilter time signatures and song structure, Moon Healer is a feast for the ears. My personal highlight being the playfully elastic tones of the bass that are more prominent in the mix than other bands of their ilk.
14. Mork - Syv
Peaceville Records
In a similar vein to many of the bands in this years list, black metal savant Thomas Eriksen has refused to stand still when it comes to the composition of his band Mork and their latest genre insta-classic Syv. This release sees an increased utilisation of space and timing, letting the music breathe in between the usual exceptional riff focused writing that epitomises Mork's approach to the genre. Album single 'Heksebål' flirts with more progressive riffing that I'd typically associate with bands like Enslaved, while standout track Holmgang harks back to a more traditional Nordic folk style of instrumentation. Hopefully this band will continue to see the increased level of recognition that they rightfully deserve!
13. Kanonenfieber - Die Urkatastrophe
Century Media Records
As a first time listener of this band, Die Urkatastrophe by the anonymous German WW1 themed blackened death band Kanonenfieber, has completely blown me away...which I imagine was their intention. Translating as 'The Original Catastrophe' and the band's name being 'Canon Fever', it kind of stands to reason that this discovery would leave me somewhat shell shocked! Apparently the concept for the band was decided after founding member 'Noise' read a first hand account of the war, written by his great-grandfather. I ask you, where else would you find this other than in metal? I am yet to translate any lyrics, however language barrier aside, I can feel the terror, violence and desperation permeate each track leading to the overarching sense of dismay created by loss of life on such a monumental scale.
12. Ætheria Conscientia - The Blossoming
Frozen Records
In a year that has been full of high quality progressive black metal releases, comes the saxophone wielding five man French outfit Ætheria Conscientia. The band are on a quest to create their own sci-fi universe through their music with the aptly titled The Blossoming, and are starting to see their plan come to fruition. The recent trend of the inclusion of saxophones in metal, largely spurred by Rivers of Nihil and their career defining release Where Owls Know My Name, has been an eye opener for many a diehard metalhead. This record proves that, when done correctly, the inclusion of this traditionally jazz instrument can serve as far more than a mere gimmick, adding as memorable an accompaniment or velvet textured solo as any string instrument.
11. Borknagar - Fall
Century Media Records
2024 saw the highly anticipated return of legendary Norwegian progressive black metal band Borknagar with their latest release 'Fall*. The band's 12th studio album is exactly what fans have come to expect from the 5 piece and their folk-centric approach. Featuring beautifully delivered vocal harmonies and catchy epic choruses drawn from themes in Scandinavian history and folklore, Borknagar are experts at celebrating their heritage while striving forward with inspiring ballads. Stand outs for me are the rallying cry 'Nordic Anthem' and the more instrumentally intense album closer 'Northward', both of which, to me, conjure images of a refusal to let go of their ancestral strength in the face of an ever-changing world.
10. Anciients - Beyond the Reach of the Sun
Season of Mist
My next pick is a one that I heard a couple of weeks ago, courtesy of the end of year list by YouTuber ThatMetalBloke. I'm always slightly wary of recency bias when doing these posts, however this one left an immediate impression on me due to my love for some of the influences I heard throughout, from Khemmisand Opeth, to Crack the Skye era Mastodon.
Beyond the Reach of the Sun by progressive death metal band Anciients feels like an arduous and emotional journey through the aether, while under the looming figure and omnipotent gaze of a mysterious celestial god. With more traditional death metal growls being complemented wonderfully by strong yet accessible clean melodies, this could be an ideal album for music lovers that are genre curious.
9. Skeletal Remains- Fragments of the Ageless
Century Media Records
Skeletal Remains are a band that has somehow evaded me in my enduring search for new bands to listen to, only discovering them due to the appearance of their new album Fragments of the Ageless, in several end of year wrap-ups.
If I'd known just how feverishly this release would appeal to two of the most favoured characteristics I have in Metal, heaviness and groove, I would have rolled out the yoga mat, put an ice pack in the freezer and called a physiotherapist in advance. Not to mention the brutal double kicker assault and face melting guitar solos present throughout.
8. Dödsrit - Nocturnal Will
Wolves of Hades
Coming from the Swedish interior we have Dödsrit, with their rip-roaring, crust punk infused, melodic black metal release Nocturnal Will. From the opening track to the closer, prepare to have those ear holes pounded by high tempo drum rhythms and intense tremolo picking, interwoven with inspiring melodic guitar leads! A very impressive release from a band who are likely to be around for some time to come.
7. Thy Catafalque - XII: A gyönyörú álmok ezután jönnek
Season of Mist
Thy Catafalque is the avant-garde metal brainchild of Tamás Kátai. In a career spanning 12 studio releases beginning in 1998, Támas has continued to push the boundaries of extreme metal. Seamlessly bringing together folk influences from his native Hungary, as well as other countries that have inspired him, including Scotland, where he has spent time and is one of my favourite places too!
In contrast with the band's critically acclaimed last release Alföld, XII is a much brighter offering, without losing any of the usual energy or dynamism of a typical Thy Catafalque release. I'd highly recommend a thorough investigation of their entire discography, you'll not be disappointed!
6. Ihsahn - Ihsahn
Candlelight Records
From now until the end of time, whenever I hear the word cinematic in reference to music, this will be the release that springs to mind. I don't often throw the term musical genius out there but former Emperor frontman and songwriter Ihsahn definitely fits that bill.
The Norwegian's self produced 8th solo offering is a sprawling orchestral masterpiece and an exercise in re-educating the listener that the assumption of the boundaries a metal musician must abide by are nebulous and, in fact, do not exist. It's emotive, it's heavy and frantic, it's soothing, it's highly's Ihsahn!
- Ihsahn is also available as an instrumental release
5. Unto Others - Never, Neverland
Century Media Records
Next up we have one of two exceptional gothic rock records released this year, this one coming from stalwarts of the scene, Unto Others of Portland, Oregon. Purveyors of all that is dark and moody, Unto Others have established themselves as one of the most consistent bands in the rock/metal world since their 2019 debut Mana, in terms of quality and songwriting nous.
Blayne Smith of YouTube review channel BangerTV recently described Unto Others as having a "cheat code" in the form of their enigmatic frontman Gabriel Franco. I couldn't agree more with this assessment. Franco's tone and delivery is truly something to behold, especially on ballads 'Cold World' and the 'Sunshine'. Look out for the always appropriately placed and tasty AF guitar licks throughout. However, 'Suicide Today' is the personal highlight for me and a poignant middle finger to the mental health issues that affect so many of us in modern society. All in all, another expertly crafted offering from the boys in black.
"Don't have to kill yourself can do it tomorrow."
4. Hauntologist - Hollow
No Solace
Hollow is the debut album from Polish atmospheric black metal side project Hauntologist. Comprised of Mgla & Kriegsmachine drum maestro 'Darkside' and multi instrumentalist/vocalist 'The Fall' (Owls Woods Graves, Raventhrone, Over The Voids...), Hollow feels very much like a labour of love from two men reaching the peak of their creative careers.
Tracks 'Ozymandian' and 'Deathdreamer' showcase Darkside's creative cymbal work and technicality. While tracks such as the title track and 'Gardermoen' are far more subtle, allowing the two-piece to explore bleak yet beautiful guitar melodies while cementing the hauntingly stark atmosphere that serves as the albums central theme.
3. Tribulation - Sub Rosa In Æternum
Century Media Records
This year also saw the return of Swedish death/blackened gothic metal upstarts, Tribulation. A band that I've been in love with since hearing the track 'Melancholia' from 2015's Children of the Night, they have once again cemented themselves as one of my favourites.
Sub Rosa in Aeternum see's a further departure from their early death metal sound in a move towards gothic rock. While a change in direction can often be a messy or uncoordinated affair that see's a bands popularity wane, this is not the case for Tribulation. Their progression into this sub-genre has been seamless and perfectly executed. Trading out much of the blackened vocal style present in previous Tribulation releases, Sub Rosa opts for a sexier, more suave delivery. With frontman Johannes Andersson taking on the aura of Tom Cruise in his role as 'Lestat' in Interview with the Vampire crossed with the godfather of goth himself, Mr. Pete Steele of Type O Negative.
One thing's for sure, with the stellar releases this year from Tribulation and Unto Others, gothic rock is in safe hands! Rest easy Peter.
2. Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere
Century Media Records
If not for the release below, this would have easily been my album of the year. Although Blood Incantation's 4th full length album got pipped to my top spot, I'd like to add a caveat by saying that I do believe it is the most important metal album to be released in 2024. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a release that will be talked about for many years to come, as a project that expanded the horizons of the genre.
Absolute Elsewhere has hit the top in a lot of metal publication's end of year lists and for good reason. This is the sound of a band reaching full maturity. The sounds and ideas from their previous three releases being expertly whisked together and coming out of the oven as a succulent sonic soufflé! Melding together their own progressive death metal sound with psychedelic, synth, prog rock and black metal to create something new and extremely exciting!
Although there are six tracks listed here, the album is actually split in to two sections with the first half 'The Stargate', followed by the the last three tracks, which are titled collectively as 'The Message'. Much like my top pick, this is an album that is best experienced in one sitting.
If you like soaring guitars solos, thunderous drum rolls, middle eastern guitar melodies, growling death metal vocals interspersed with spacey Pink Floyd-esque psychedelia then this could be the album for you.
1. Opeth - *The Last WILL and TESTAMENT
Reigning Pheonix Music
Picture the scene...Opeth stood atop a raised dais, lit by spotlights. Below them a wooden stage dressed to resemble a stately early 1900's home. As the footsteps that usher in the start of the album sound somberley in the background, so enter the actors. Their physical expression voiced by the dynamic vocal mastery of chief songwriter and frontman, Mikael Åkerfeldt.
That's right people, prog metal legends Opeth have returned! Concept album, The Last Will and Testament, tells the tale of a post WW1 era European family who have assembled for the reading of the wealthy patriarchs will. The revelations inside will lead them to question everything they thought they knew and uncover the mystery of who is the true heir to the family fortune.
This is Opeth back to their creative best! Featuring the return of Mikael's signature death metal growls, a feature that has been sorely missed by fans of the band since 2008's Watershed. Blending these with Mikael's beautiful crooning melodies has been a very welcome return to a sound closer to that of the band's perceived prime. Their 14th studio album draws from many of the best aspects of their extensive discography while also leaving space for further experimentation, including elements of death metal, jazz, acoustic and the 70's prog inspired riffage of post Watershed Opeth. Never is this experimental nature more evident than on §7's flute solo by legendary prog trailblazer, Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. Anderson also doubles as the narrator or executor of the will, which adds perfectly to the cast and keeps the listener engrossed in the concept.
To summarise, the album is definitely one to listen to as a whole, so that the sections of the will can be understood in their full context. I can admit to being slightly overwhelmed by the scope of influences present in The Last Will and Testament at first however, the more I have listened, the more I have grown to truly love this release. Is it time for Opeth's theatre of the mind to become theatre of the stage?...I think so!
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! This one took me longer than I care to admit and as such, any engagement is hugely appreciated.
HAVE A FANTASTIC XMAS and see you all next year!

Thank you very much!
He's gonna damage his throat! Not a young man anymore.. 😀
Aye, it's a possibility. Think he's one of those that has the technique to do it safely though. So far so good anyway!
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