Hi guys, we had a productive week. It was just the two of us, so we started developing one of my latest sketches.

I had no idea how we would bridge our old material, which is semi-acoustic punk music, with this new stuff, this electronic, dronish recital. It turned out our love for math music (polyrhythmy) can very well be incorporated into this new approach. You can check the original here. And here's us jamming on top of that.
It's not bad, not bad at all. The thing is, we're just starting. Today we're going to try out me controlling the beatbox and the synths through my laptop, so I can turn on and off beatbox at will. And not only drums. If we route everything through my laptop, I can do live mixing, open the song up, close it, put all sorts of different effects if I want to. Like David Guetta. Like I always dreamed.
This really opens up new levels of manipulation. I have no idea where this is going to take us, but it's fun, so it's the right direction. I know this video was already posted by my drummer, but what can we do, we don't have a band profile, so I think it's ok. What do you think about our newest endeavour?