Streemit Radio - Decentralized Music

in #music8 years ago (edited)

We Need To Bring Musicians To Steemit - Help Me By Weighing In With Your Thoughts


This is in a pre-production, but I wanted to bring to attention the possibility of making a Pandora-like app/platform that is built into, or works with the steemit blockchain.

I'll be honest. I'm not a musician, but a consumer of music, so I'd especially like to hear musicians weigh in on this proposal so as to make a product that is as good as possible.

I have many talented musical friends who do great work, but the current ways of getting noticed result in very few making a career out of what they pour their heart into.

Most artists post to every social media platform and try to promote their work and possibly post to soundcloud and maybe get noticed. From there they may wish to transition to a radio app like Pandora or enter a business relationship with apple (who takes almost 50% of the artists pay the last I checked). That is not fair compensation, especially for those who then need to work another job to make up for the portion that apple or pandora takes away.

I was turned on to a newer website It does a far better job at rewarding artists (but still takes a 5% cut). Peertracks runs on a P2P network and has some key advantages over Pandora, but when it comes to interface, I believe Pandora is king.

Peertracks has the ability to have offline support for those who will be without access to the internet where they are going. I could see offline support being extremely beneficial for steemit radio. You could vote and comment and then when you are back into wireless or cell network range, everything could then sync up with the blockchain.

Peertracks also has smart contracts, so you can split up revenue as a percentage among band members or promoters etc easily without manually having to do so.

Similar to Pandora for both artists and listeners, you would need to make an account with steemit (increasing the user base). This would allow those who have no interest in blogging to still engage on the steemit blockchain.


This is steemit's very own @rok-sivante and you can check out his music here - Rok Sivante's Soundcloud - He's a very talented DJ along with his many other skills.

The interface would be quite similar to Pandora, but upvoting would be linked to upvoting on the blockchain and use voting power. You could also choose to downvote (and give a reason why). At the bottom you could write comments directly to the artist and vote on comments like you do on steemit already.

Musicians could offer albums and singles (and merchandise tickets etc.) directly and the app developers could make $.01 or a fairly decided upon amount to reward developers for their many man hours developing.

Unlike companies that are publicly traded and need to increase their bottom line to make shareholders happy, as more users come and use the app the $.01 could be further decreased because the sheer volume would net the same amount as they were already making. The musicians would also make a small amount more (which might not be a lot, but added up over a while it may make a significant difference).

What features are most important to you as both listeners and artists?


Interesting ideas I would like to follow up on because I have tons of great musicians, Dj's , Bands and artists I would like to promote also on steemit .
Check out my page I created myself
I am thinking since days what I could do on this platform to expose some of them. I used to have an online radio program "Massive Bali Vibrations "for many years where I played dj sets and tracks of my artists I work with on 365live but this one got shut down.
Anyways , you just inspired me to post more music related articles.
I have a wishlist for an app : a compiled list for worldwide promoters, agents , venues as well as for artists, including their biographies , this list should be available for everybody and allowing to communicate directly., kind of a Tinder for Artists and Music Professionals swipe off as no- don't like or yes-i like and go for a chat right away.
Maybe @sirwinchester could help with an app . He is also a musician and programmer

Ya I'm willing to talk with anyone with interest in bringing more artists to the platform. Diversity brings value and keeps content from becoming stale. I like the graphics on your site. And if people wish to work with me on an app or create their own that's cool. I wanted to see if there was enough interest generated to pursue this further as this will be a large undertaking. If some developers are willing to donate time and some others are willing to help design front end, this could potentially revolutionalize the music industry (who knows). The cost to run would be tiny. And scaled to a pandora like size, both musicians, listeners, and developers will have been rewarded and happy.

Maybe I sound crazy with a kind of Tinder app for the music biz but I used to sit too many hours on FB because somehow it became the place you communicate and work from. This has to change ! Most artists pay for likes and have a fake market . Unexperienced promoters only value music based on such information via FB these days and it makes it difficult to offer real talented people.
@yogi.artist I already lost a big part of my job as a middle agent because these days everybody can go on google and find managers directly.
Anyways, I hope we can put a group of people together who are interested in the topic and work on some proper options. @rok-sivante might have some ideas as well.
Decentralised Music - I am excited , What a cool word is that :)

something popped at "Tinder app for the music biz"...

in a way, I've used the Soundcloud app on iOS like this - quickly scanning through, favoriting tracks worth coming back to... though it'd be a whole different ballgame with blockchain integrations for payments, distributions, etc...

I don't know enough yet about the PeerTracks/Muse and Ujo developments - but it's obvious there's gold at the intersection of these and existing platforms like Soundcloud...

though something as simplified as "Tinder app for the music biz..." that's fucking GENIUS, Silvie.

(and seeing my first two 'mentees' chatting together for the first time on this subject... :-)

Another key lesson (we seem to both be in the midst of):


Haha ! Swipe them all on and off 😜

You're a great mentor @rok-sivante. You saw the potential in both of us and have helped me change my mindset and call me my BS and keep me from wasting my time asking things I should be discovering myself.

I'm tired of just coming up with ideas and really want to bust my ass and make it happen. I reached out to @sirwinchester as maybe he would be interested as he has the prototype for a steemit app in the works and has an app developer.

Any kick-ass coders that see the value in donating some time now and getting paid back in the long term would be greatly appreciated. Or if there is enough funds to form a small team and try to make some headway on it.

I'm willing to do whatever I have to to try to get this off the ground though. I'll try to add as many people that are interested to the streemir-app channel and the mopre creative minds we have working together the better.

I think the most important thing for steemit is to become more multidimensional. If you tell someone about a cool blogging platform they may instantly tell you they have no interest in blogging.

But if you can tailor steemit to your specific audience and show how steemit can be valuable to entrepreneurs, developers, musicians, artists, models, and photographers I think the dam will burst and steemit will explode.

:) I like your excitement!

Also something that could possibly be done for artists/painters. I guess kind of like a tinder (without the chance of catching anything) for artwork. I know artists get a lot of love here, but I'm sure there are also those that are aspiring and would love some honest feedback.

A tinder-like interface could work for many different types of artists. @halo might benefit from a program that allows models to post pictures directly and swipe left or right and make comments about what they like, dislike or future ideas for them.

Same could be said of short poetry or art like @kaylinart or @katecloud where a tinder like interface could gain far more exposure for those looking for cool work as steemit scales up in users.

That's exactly what I had in mind

@mammasitta, these are awesome ideas too! :)

With this many intelligent creative's working together, surely we can get something really special off of the ground here.

Exciting times! :)

I just said it : Decentralised Music - I am excited , what a cool word is that :)

I agree, these 2 words make a beautiful couple, whom I sure will be happy together for the rest of their lives :)

Haha! I am creating a private chat channel to talk through some ideas on the app if you wish to join in there just tell me your username for steemit chat

This is a great idea. I have friens that compose good songs and this could very well.give them a break

I think this would be an awesome way for developers and musicians to come together and revolutionize the system. Even if they aren't members of steemit and have an interest, feel free to reach out and see what they most desire in an app like this. I'm happy to write a follow up with a clearer consensus/mockup of features.

The digital music industry has changed the landscape. On one hand, the industry is much more accessible. The rise of the micro-genre has opened the door for specialty musicians to thrive in smaller markets. On the other hand, the perceived value of a song has been significantly diminished in the mind of the consumer.

Services like iTunes have set the perceived value of a song at less than $1 and services like Spotify (as much as I love it) send the perceived value even lower, instant on-demand access to unlimited music for $10/month. It's a hard sell to convince someone to pay more for your music, particularly digitally.

The way I recommend artists combat this is by finding new ways to make money from music including licensing, specialty gigs, and custom songs. But, the best way to convert your music in cash is by building your brand. This means making awesome music and getting as many people to listen as possible - whether you make money or not. It also means engaging with fans as often and as diverse as possible. A powerful brand can be leveraged for cash much easier than music alone these days.

I like the peertracks service. It looks pretty cool and I think I'll try it out. I also like your idea - I just think realistically we, as artists, have to rethink the way we do music.

the whole concept PeerTracks is presenting with the concept of artist tokens - like issues artist in the stock themselves - is definitely a game-changer.

expansion in progress.

there's opportunity beyond just selling music and traditional routes of income generation for artists, with the whole crypto game. look at Steemit, for example. as a writer - I've made some decent money. but I've also been earning "stock" in the company that can serve as an ATM for years to come...

what's to say the model couldn't be duplicated, catered more to musicians & artists...

if they've already got a fanbase - the value they could create by leveraging their network, bringing it onto a new platform could have value that'd serve to profit them in the long term - as well as the platform providing access to a new listenership and new forms of income...

not everybody may want to pay a dollar for a song... but what's it costing any of us here to click to upvote anything here??

same model could be duplicate to music...

and the artist tokens... I can't even fathom the full possibilities at this point...

lots of different collaborative possibilities as well... i.e. a platform fusing elements of these different existing ones - throw in decentralized co-creative studios like Splice or Skytracks - on which various artist could collaborate in a project, potentially tracking each's contribution... putting up loop packs or sound patches, throwing a digital license into the blockchain to be tracked for micropayments from any other artist using it...

too much to think about all at once, without some good psychedelics... lol :-)

nice job on starting this discussion, Ben. the gold is in the comments...

I am creating a private chat channel to talk through some ideas on the app if you wish to join in there just tell me your username for steemit chat

Yes please ! This is really something we have to continue to brainstorm

Yes I think maybe you could weigh in on what types of feeds would be good for artists. There could be a trending feed and a new artist feed along with new song feeds. I don't really care about advertising dollars being pumped into this (that might make me less money, but I care more about the artists than padding my bank account).

I think this would be a great place to have podcasts as well without needing to go to itunes if you didn't wish to.

My real goal would be for steemit to discover an artist, have him or her be able to quit a current job with the revenue they receive, and go on to be a successful artist (maybe solely supported by steemit)

I'd also love to decentralize a place like ticketmaster (I hate the monopoly they have in my opinion). Coming up with a way for artists to sell directly and have the ticket have some sort of barcode would prevent the multiple dollar fees that always appear as a "convenience" fee even if you print out your own tickets. I'd be ok if that "convenience" fee went to the artists, but I am 99.9% sure that it just goes to ticketmaster.

Decentralization is going to shake up the world as we know it along with the internet of things. The early adopters will have a huge advantage over those who have no idea what is happening and try to catch up once it is commonplace.

I like the concepts here a lot. If money isn't the driving factor, you open up lots of additional avenues. I'll think on it and get back to you.

Absolutely. Money is nice, but to be innovative why not buck the trend and give back 99.9% to the artist, give the developers the .1% and let users moderate and police the system to cut back on copying legitimate artists work. I think it can only add value to the platform.

Some excellent ideas here @bendjmiller222. I have been pondering this kind of music on the steemit blockchain idea for a little while now, and whilst the tech/dev side of things is not one of my niches, musically certainly is.

I would be really interested in supporting this idea in any way I could. Maybe a few of us could set up a chat channel in for a brainstorming session in regards to this: It would be great to get both a mixture of devs and artists for a sharing of ideas if we could.

As a passionate steemster, I personally love the idea and potential of being 'solely supported by steemit' as a musical artist. In my mind there would be a certain unique kudos and credibility in being supported by the steemit platform and community in this way.

I love your barcode idea too. How hard would it be for a band to generate a load of individual codes digitally that could then be read and authenticated on a scanner app by the person on the door, allowing admission through into the particular venue? - Cutting out the middle-man, and additional pie slicers, in the process.

lets create our own music related chat and work on ideas . I just commented my thoughts below

Exactly. I'm bendjmiller222 on steemit chat as well so feel free to add me into any conversation with anyone that is interested and maybe we can turn this idea into reality.

Also something that could possibly be done for artists/painters. I guess kind of like a tinder (without the chance of catching anything) for artwork. I know artists get a lot of love here, but I'm sure there are also those that are aspiring and would love some honest feedback.

I have tons of ideas, I just need the know-how on how to actually take flight with them, whether or not that rewards me now or later due to long term value added to the platform via someone else.

This is exciting! I love how this platform and community inspire creativity and ingenuity in abundance.

I'm looking forward to chatting more, and sharing ideas!

I am "mammasitta" everywhere 😉

Who starts the chat ???

I made the room and just added you. Feel free to add any ppl by commenting in the chat (streemit-app) and I'll add them in

That seems a little complicated for my taste. Some type of embeddable option might work well, though.

Complicated in implementing it into the blockchain or as an app? Maybe you could elaborate a bit on your comment. I'm open to any suggestions at all. I'd much rather want know what people want and then try to work with a team on that, than simply try to build something and then need major changes to get people to enjoy it.

You got alot of great ideas
💋 @halo 💋

You're very right. I don't even have the time to implement them all so I'm happy to let others run with some. My mind is always problem solving and I really enjoy that this platform allows me to get to meet new people and help them.

If that were all the platform was, without monetary rewards, I would still enjoy doing it.

@bendjmiller I think the broader range of interests the better for steemit.
I have just posted STEEM DAILY DATA in hopes the data will help people in deciding when they should buy steem and powerup

Yeah I think the possibility of having a dedicated steemit "youtube-like" file hosting site that would allow you to watch random videos sorted by length and topic similar to a pandora would also be a cool thing to look into. The more we make steemit unique, the more interest people will have that are not really interested in cryptocurrency/blogging.

Side note is there a spell checker feature built into the comments/post section? I usually wind up going to google when I see the dreaded red zigzags under my misspelled words. Maybe someone could build an F7 button that allows spelling corrections like microsoft word.

Very interesting ! I am a Musician and developer and exaclty looking for something like this, where do we start ? btw here is my music ->