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RE: Haunted: My song about a Haunted house. Music video Samhain/Halloween premiere and photoshoot.

in #music6 years ago (edited)

I love the color scheme of this video! it's like the weather itself landed you its hand, and the locations you find for your videos are as though they are meant for your songs.... or did the location inspire the song? Of course, i cant say enough how lovely your voice and performance is... every movement seems natural, but behind it there is an artist that knows exactly what it all should look and feel like. <3


No, I wrote the song a long time ago, the first version was included in my first album, though this is a brand new version with more backing vocals, cello and just different, we were looking for a suitable location for a long time, and I always wanted to do a video for it, somehow we had a slideshow for the concerts with different things here and there, but not a proper video. Then we found the palace which is as mysterious as it can be, alone on top of a hill, no village around, no permission to be altered... left to ruined and closed, and that was it!