How to compose songs: 1

in #music7 years ago

Hello steemit community, this post will teach you the basic things that you need to start composing songs. These are basic tips that will help you a lot in the way of the composition, I hope you can start composing songs with these tips. With these steps you can start in the world of songwriting.

1: Inspiration

The most important thing to start composing songs is the inspiration, if you are not inspired to compose, you can not make a good song, inspiration is the motivation of the artist.

Inspiration can be obtained in many ways: if we feel sad or happy and want to express what we feel, it is a good inspiration to start composing. If we see a movie, or listen to a song that we like, can be an inspiration to start composing

How to get inspiration?
Many times we feel like composing but we have no inspiration. We can find inspiration if we are in love, if we suffer a loss, if we have impotence on a topic or a situation, if we see a movie with a good message, if we read a book and leave us an idea in the mind, these can be many forms of Find inspiration.

2: listen to music

It is very important to listen to music, listening to music we can learn new melodies, it can be a way of inspiration to create your own songs, we can find lyrics that will help us to know new words and give us ideas for our lyrics.

We must listen to different styles of music to have more ideas when it comes to composing, we can also analyze and study successful songs, that will help us to create a successful song, in addition, listening to different types of songs can help you gain more experience in music And song compositions.

3: Get a notebook

A songwriter needs a notebook to write the ideas and lyrics of the songs. With a notebook we can write about what the song is about, we can write down the ideas that come to mind so we do not forget, a notebook is very necessary for a composer.

4: Learn an instrument

If we play an instrument we will be easier to compose, it will help us find a good melody for the songs, and help us to find more ideas in our compositions, if you do not know an instrument you can also compose but it is highly recommended that you learn An instrument.

5: Find a comfortable place

If we are in a comfortable place, where we can feel tranquility and peace, where nobody bother us, it can be your room, a park, your garden, our ideas will flow more, look for a place where you feel good to compose, and Where you can listen to your ideas that are in the mind, so you can make them part of your song.

This is all you need to start in the world of songwriting, I will continue uploading post about
the composition so that you learn more about how to compose songs, I hope that everyone who reads this will be of great help.



Hey @adonibrazoban! Cool article! I myself am a song writer and I can definitely relate with your article here. I think one cool tip, is to have a recorder or your phone ready to record a lyric or melody at any given time. I recall writing songs while I was on the bus. Super random, but also turned out to be a great song.

Thanks for commenting, later on in the posts that I will upload about composing songs I will talk about it.

Cool! Looking forward to it. Perhaps you could listen to one of my songs and give you comments

I will do it