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RE: Muse in a nutshell from a purely crypto perspective

in #muse7 years ago

Well you can RSVP for next week at @officialfuzzy's blog if it is there already and if not maybe tomorrow. It's usually Saturday at 2:30 UTC? That's 16:30 in West and Central Europe but not the UK.

The steps are

  • RSVP by commenting, instructions in the post.
  • You install Mumble and set push to talk, notifications off etc.
  • You can have a coin / UIA on BitShares and then you'll get certain priveledges like being first on the list of speakers according to who upvoted you and how much
  • And once you're being called you can speak up to 15 minutes and answer questions about your project and earn some BeyondBits and exposure.

Welcome to the club :)