You can Vote for MUSE to be listed on the new exchange here:
Leave a comment and tell them WHY you think it should be listed.
You can Vote for MUSE to be listed on the new exchange here:
Leave a comment and tell them WHY you think it should be listed.
Nothing would gladen my heart as seeing muse get listed on this exchange. They deserve it so much because they have put in so much effort into making this platform one of the best around. I am so in love with must and I am very proud of what they have been able to come up with....
You deserve my vote
Here I am giving support to your project @cob. A hug.
Aqui estoy dando apoyo a su proyecto @cob . Un fuerte abrazo.
Be sure to clean your cache, refresh, and vote again. It also helps to use different browsers to get even more votes in. Votes cap out at 50 every 24 hours. Please leave a comment as well. Thanks!
I've seen the muse.
I really like .
the muse is very nice.
steady @cob.
can i promote muse?
thanks @cob
We are at 406 votes and 35 comments. Great job everybody! A true group effort.
It had a good impact. Congratulations @Cob.
the muse is really nice.
I agree to vote on the muse..
thank you for sharing with us. my dear friend @cob..
I've voted for muse.
I will spread news muse to my friends.
because the muse rewarded all.
the muse is very nice.
thanks @cob
Warning !!! 50 votes available per coin every 24h.
and I wonder if there's any bribery in this vote.
Fortunately they state they don't look at votes alone but state "We will check the quality of the project, its philosophy and the technical aspects. We will do a due diligence process with the tokens before listing them". So with that said I think if they really do their homework and we can get can get our vote count high enough we stand a good chance of getting listed.

If you can't vote, please clear your browser’s cached data
because the muse is the latest sophisticated music platform.
and muse award.
I agree to vote on the muse
I've learned muse.
the muse is really nice.
muse is a quality platform
and I agree to the muse
Come on my intoduce mr @cob
I believe in it because you say so....i believe you....
I'm done :0)
Thanks Cob!
Muse is a trend changer that's why i choose muse.
I think muse is a perfect currency as we vote it. Thanks sir for sharing about it.