A Six Month Old Dies After Father Bends Him In Half...

in #murder7 years ago

Children are dying left and right in certain parts of the world. Some women can't conceive, and fathers fighting for more than two days out of the week with their children and then you have sickos like this....

It amazes me how someone has the heart to do something like this. Rather, the lack thereof. Over the recent years I have come across some of the most horrifying stories when it involves parent, and child.

If my memory serves me right, there was a case somewhere in Cleveland, Ohio, a year or two ago where the mother microwaved her newborn. I will have to do some research on that case to give you details on the outcome, but i'm pretty sure she ended up in a mental facility or prison.

That grey area can be tricky when sentencing someone to life behind state property or life in a mental facility, where they feed you meds just to keep you a certain percent above conscience...

According to CBS News, Robert Anthony Resendiz admitted to pressing the infant's legs over his head and bending his body in order to stop the victim from crying. Also, that he had bit the infant multiple times, and that he used about 65 percent of his body strength in bending his son, and didn't release pressure until the infant was limp, and no longer moving.

Resendiz's son reportedly died on Dec. 21, two days after initially receiving medical care.

Resendiz is being held in jail on a $250,000 bond.

I wish no harm upon anyone, in fact I try to live life by the peace, love, and happiness rule, but even with my desires to have nothing but peace, and love for others, I can't help but hope he pays for what he has done to his own son and the pain he has caused everyone in the family.

Link to CBS down below.


i hope he pays too. its really sickening when you get to hear and read news like this, so so sad

He need to pay for that crime. Thanks Joseph

This is such a horrible read and it made me cry. I was hesitant to even open the post, I prefer to close my eyes and not even know that persons like this exist in this world. Still, important that we know and do something about it. The kids are the most precious thing in this world. Let's love them!

It is ridiculous the level of cruelty of a person

The greatest form of man's inhumanity to fellow man is when a father or mother shows hatred instead of loved to their children to the extent that proceed to inflict bodily harm to them.

The key thing to remember with these horrific crimes is that you're not supposed to be able to understand how someone can commit them!

When I think of how much I love my little kids and what I would put myself through to prevent harm coming to them it just sickens me to the core to think of someone doing something like this.

Especially the cases of prolonged abuse. Or some sick fuck like this, who went through the (long, stringent) process of adopting a child only to kill her two weeks later: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/11/06/fatherconvicted-murdering-18-month-old-adopted-daughter/


Very cruel and inhumane, hopefully he gets a worthy reply for his evil behavior ..

That is crazy, your own blood and flesh. I mean was this guy on drugs or something? I don't see how anyone could do that to a baby let alone your own child.

Some humans can be so inhuman

Hug him don't bend him

Mmmm this attitude is very bad you know, thats the irony of life i will put it , someone is really dying for a child yet has none, and the other has and yet treats them as tho they didnt ask for them
As least in your part of the world justice is given to things of these sort but in my part Africa and especially my country Ghana it takes few people to get the justice they need ..Parents beat their children any how, with belts,canes, sticks, sometimes may pour hot stuffs on them but who are you the child to talk about it..Mum or dad will lash you again or probably not give you food.
Thanks @joseph for the news...

What the actual fuck. Why would someone do something like this???

I still don't get the 250k bond, why does he even have that option?

this is just plain terrible

It's a sad story but let's just pray for the best of everyone. Life can be cruel and crazy sometimes.

This is so sad..I can't imagine how a human can do disgusting things like that. Stories like this one makes me feel sooo angry. I try to convince me that there's good people in this world but when I see some news like that it's hard. But I continue to believe that love can win.

World is full of destruction and people don't need wars as the ruin their lives by themselves. I don't understand how some humans can end up in this way or what pushes them to do such awful things. We all have hard moments, but to take that on the others is the worst thing that we can do. It is only us that we should blame and not redirect our anger on the ones around us.

So sad to hear this.But these things happen daily in our society.I do not know that what is wrong with these people.

This is very pathetic, he must be properly check for drug addict.

Omg!! What????? An innocent child that didn't even do anything. I don't know why people keep having babies when they know they won't love and care for them. So many people are looking for just one child and this one killed one?
Bail shouldn't even be an option.

"I kept biting him but he wouldn't stop crying, what was I supposed to do?"

Gee, I wonder why the kid was crying?