The Mundane as Art Round 5, theme STONES: "Stone Growing, Stone Swimming"

in #mundaneart7 years ago

Mundane Art Challenge theme Stones: “Stone Growing, Stone Swimming”

"“Stone Growing, Stone Swimming”, photography by @eric-boucher.jpg

(“Stone Growing, Stone Swimming”, photography by @eric-boucher, using a Canon PowerShot SX60 HS.)

Stone Growing, Stone Swimming

Through Persistence of Time
On a Crab Mimic
Life Germinations Endure

In Hanging Swims
Organic Stone
Lapidary Diffusions
Oceanic Sands Outflow

(Poem by @eric-boucher, Dec.10th, 2017.)


Sorry my knowledge of English does not allow you to fully appreciate the beauty of the poem. But, I appreciated the beauty of both the photo itself and the beauty of the idea that preceded the picture.

Thank you very much, a humble and kind comment, as always. I also understand the limitation languages can create and, in spite of it all, I still thrive to discover the meanings beyond it all, making more connections and, often, digging deeper into my own native tongue!

Namaste :)

Thank you for warm words. Good luck to you and good.

Awesome poem, and picture. For some reason I am longing for a long walk on the beach with the sunset and then afterwards drinking some whisky at a beach bar. I long for the salty taste of the ocean.

You surely got it! Great idea, maybe I should do the same today too!?! Thanks a lot for the kind words, they are really appreciated, namaste :)

Once in a shopping centre, I stood in front of a relatively expensive whisky (Lagavulin 16), and I hesitated to buy it. The idea came to my mind if I die tomorrow, I will never have experienced this great whisky. I bought it, and from that day I tried and still try to do everything I can. So enjoy the whisky and the taste of the ocean! Don't waste the little time we have. Greetings from South Africa!

As I was between 9 and 12 I was supposed to die from leukemia, the doctors had told me I might have 2 months or two years to live, they simply didn't know. Such existential questions are essential to learn to live the moment and a healthy regular ritual reasserting this fact doesn't hurt every so often, when needed or pre-emptively...

Great words of wisdom worth the sharing and a solid upvote too! Thank you.

Namaste :)

Thank you so much, my friend, for sharing your story. It is sad that humans must go through such experiences. Thanks again for sharing. The closest I have been to death is not being born. So I cannot say that I have had such experiences. It just dawned on me one day that I can die this instant from whatever the imagination can think.

From that day I tried to do as much as possible. I am an avid book reader and book collector. I live with the fear of never reading all of them. My goal thus in life is to say that I read all my books. Obviously with the added pleasure of some expensive whisky.

I say this too much in the comments, but can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that we can talk to each other from such wildly different places on this earth! Thank you again for sharing! May life play out that you find happiness in the small things! As we say in Afrikaans (my home language), "Mag dit goed gaan met jou my vriend! Ons sien mekaar aan die anderkant."

Having had this illness as well as many other impediment to this body I live in, I actually consider myself extremely blessed for having had the chance of living with it and through it. Wouldn't be for such events, I would have went down a path away from the essence of my soul. Every moment is precious, not because it can disappear at any time, but because it always contains within itself the potential to enlightenment. Instead of living in fear and rushing through life missing much too much, you end up slowing down and loving more and more deeply every single moment, open heartedly and open-mindedly. I find happiness and contentment in every moment, all is perfect and necessary. Much blessing flowing out your way right now.

May we see each other here, now, and at the latest, on the other side! Namaste :)

Your words are so true and important. I think one of the many problems today is that we don't appreciate the mundane and everyday, we seek constant gratification from new things and what the "crowd" and the "other" deem good and appropriate. We, or most people, don't yet have the skill to accept their own existence as something unique and that they should be happy or even ecstatic with their existence. The mathematical chance of you being born vs. not being born is staggering. If more people know how to find happiness in the small things in life, I think, people will feel better, but then the world would also be a better place. If you find happiness in the happiness of your friend and neighbour you won't hate them for some stupid reason. If we could all sit around a fire drinking whisky, or drinking tea around some nice bread etc. and just talk and accept the other for what he/she is, we would live in a better place. This is probably just a dream, but it is one I want to work on.

I really want to open a philosophical practice where I teach people these skills. My masters degree and PhD will be in this topic, how to teach people to live a life that will give them more happiness and freedom from the slaves they created that hold them back. This also is only a dream, but with the help of steemit this will help in a way.

I must also thank you, my friend, for having this great conversation with me. The wonder of the internet, and steemit. It would have been great to have this in person, but you are helping me create things in my mind to structure the thoughts. I think steemit is one of the best platforms for this mental re-structuring.

Another very nice photo from the great photo journalist @eric-boucher!

Did you also post the picture in the comments of the challenge? I didn't see it there.

Thanks for the kind words again and, I will double check if I posted it on the original challenge site. It was really late by the time I posted that one and didn't see clearly anymore... It is the top post, for the moment on your reply list.

Namaste :)

I liked what you did with this poem. Though it is unmistakably poetic, it also has a matter-of-fact type quality that incentivises the reader to take a deeper look into the piece. Nice work.

Well said and you definitely caught the matter-of-factish approach to its writing. I still remember as if it were yesterday when I came across this stone: Tree of life, life growths and the streams seemingly going countercurrent... Much gratitude for your kind words, they are really appreciated, namaste :)

I should buy a real camera again, I miss photography, and phones just aren't the same. :[

Surprisingly enough, there are quite a few new phones with very good integrated cameras. Otherwise, there are lots of excellent cameras for an amazingly good price, especially if it is only to post here on Steemit! Good luck with your search and I look forward to seeing your photography.

Namaste :)

@eric-boucher Great post. I gladly followed you

Thanks a lot for the kind words and the fellowship as well, @mariaentela!

Namaste :)

Very nice @eric-boucher; I really like how this whole "Mundane Art" challenge is taking off... such a great way to remind us all to stop, look and appreciate some of the little things we otherwise take for granted.

It is in itself a great meditation to do so with specific forms and content, in this case. Great comment! Thanks for the kind words. Namaste :)

Your poems have been very beautiful. Many poems are in poetry.
thanks for sharing your excellent poem. love it.

Thank you @sangeeta, I'm glad you are appreciating the poetry this much.

Namaste :)

it's really well poem @eric-boucher

nice poem, art is wonderful and very beautiful, thanks for sharing with us.

Thanks a lot, I'm really glad you enjoyed it, namaste :)

welcome my friend, its my pleasure, namaste:)

Amazing post really nice.....I like it.thx for share😍

Thank you so very much, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Namaste :)

Charming and Simple. Just the sort of thing to come across on a busy night. Gracias.

Thanks, this is an unusual description that is befitting the post alright. Thanks! Namaste :)

Daily Learn some new from your post. Love to read it.

Thanks, I'm glad to read this, namaste :)

such a beautiful poem!

Thank you so very much @aburmeseabroad! Namaste :)

excellent art round 5

Thanks a lot @ahlawat! Good to see you here again. Namaste :)